ForumsWEPRWar, There Will Always Be War

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29 posts

You know, i was thinking. If America goes to war with Germany to stop the war lets say. Germany will want revenge. Then Germany will attack the U.S. Then allies will come in and theres you world war 3. And think about it. If the world was all settled and every country was peaceful with no enimies. The world would be even more overflowed with its human population than it is now. So if you think about it. War is good and bad.

  • 52 Replies
13,817 posts

believe it or not, but if war would be nonexistant, we would certainly invent a lot of technologies, very similar or exactly the same as we have it now

You can't assume that we would be as technologically advanced as we are today. Even if we would, chances are it would take longer for us to develop them.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Let's hope that the technological development will prove Thomas A. Edison correct, he said:
There will one day spring from the brain of science a machine or force so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled, and so abandon war forever.

755 posts

You can't assume that we would be as technologically advanced as we are today. Even if we would, chances are it would take longer for us to develop them.

well wars often stopped any development and have thrown humanity back.
after the roman empire was destroyed. humanity had to invent a lot of stuff again(canalisation eg).
and in the middle ages people where less advanced than before.
144 posts

You can't assume that we would be as technologically advanced as we are today. Even if we would, chances are it would take longer for us to develop them.

Two words: industrial revolution
144 posts

War is a product of capitalism. You know those companies that make all the stuff used for war?

Just one quote, but more than one person here's expressed the sentiment so here is my reply:

It is, in my opinion, an overly regulated, socialized market which is more likely to produce war. Why is this? Simply put, the policy makers in socialized societies are powerful, vested interest groups. NOT everyday citizens who will have their lives profoundly effected by the course of any war.

In our current system of government, corporations pretty much buy laws outright. Unless they face MAJOR opposition from the people, they get away with it. (check out net neutrality online for an example of what I'm talking about)

If governments were incapable of regulating the market, corporations would have no interesting in buying politicians. As it is, people with money can turn their business wishes into LEGALITIES we MUST abide by. Again, the net neutrality dispute happening *right now* is a great example of what I'm talking about.

Average citizens want to raise their families and live their lives in peace. It's people who crave power we need to be worried about. There are people in the world willing to sacrifice anything so they can control everything. It's best to make sure that when they do finally climb to the top of the dog pile, that they can do as little damage as possible.
124 posts

Nah there wont always be war because humans will all be destroyed by it resulting in a peace even if it is brief. Unless of course we all start to get along nicely.

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