I was watching Fox News awhile back and what I heard was that, Obama doesn't care if UNDERAGEteens have sex, he only cares if they are safe!!! Why would anyone be for teens having sex... I have been to parties where people get drunk and next thing you know they are pregnant..... He should be completely against UNDERAGEteens having sex. I don't care if they are safe, you can still obtain an STD even if you are using a condom or something similar!
Yakooza, I love the fact that you have sense. Fox News is garbage, the stuff that you hear from them can go in one ear and out the other, or just turn off the dam TV. Fox News is completely anti-Obama, any who watches it needs to:
Just like how CNN and ABC is wrong about everything.
Welcome to the American Mass Media. Your welcome. In my opinion CNN is the closest out of them to being neutral and getting the truth. Buts that's just me.
well, obama cant do anything to stop the teens from having sex, coz its like so fun for everyone
This troll statement actual has a point. I mean HOW DO you expect Obama to stop teens. Do you expect him to jump through the bedroom window and beat the snot out of the guy and call their parents. Or He flies through the air in a super hero costume and flies around cars in vacant parking lots and makes a mesqutio tone. ( or what ever the hell those annoying high-pitched ring-tone that the teacher can't hear.)
Seriously! This is just Fox News using Obama as a scapegoat for everything that is wrong in the world.
WOOHOO! Kidding, but not really. Being safe in my opinion is better than not at all Because it's not fun if you don't do it ; )
Well, enough of that. Why should we care about underage kids have sex? They're going to do it, 100% guarantee. Make it safe and we'll really reduce pretty much everything. Pregnancies, STDs, etc. The whole nine yards.
Enough of betraying my party from me today, but I'm 17. I'm slightly biased. Sort of. Except I'm personally against it.
Well parents have to have control because if they don't
A. They are bad themselves
B. They just don't know what's going on.
Third of all getting a Baby... Yes it is cute but couldn't you just wait until your married? Third of all scientists a few years back say it is better to be 20-35 a good parent. Last of all you have a whole life in front of you to have a child
actually, obama dosnt need to worry about it, underage sex is state law, therfore a states problem, obama has enough to worry about other then underage sex...
if teens want to have sex they better know the possible consequences. does it really matter if someone cares enough about something? he has like a hundred things going on.
@first replyers hey, don't flame the poor OP because he watches something you don't agree with. i rarely see anything attacking msnbc or cnn without someone yelling "fox is root of all evil!" first.
You must be really dim-witted to buy into that fascist propaganda.
Fascism:â"noun 1.(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
if anything, conservatives believe in small govt. not overbearing one.