AHA! Gotcha. Thought I'm trolling. Well, I'm probably going to be taken that way, although I'm not. I'm just in an extremists point of view at the moment. Or not. Just want some (Most likely leftist) opinions here.
Anyone noticed a few similarities in Obamas' rise to the presidency. Probably not, although there are a couple slight similarities. Now I can see you wingnuts saying I'm comparing him to Hitler. Well, I'm not. So don't whine about that.
Now on topic. Anyone noticed a few similarities in his election? Such as hope, change, etc., then having him turn on half of those and then end up with a mess on his plate, and not being able to chew it because that was never his intention to make said mess and had a completely different goal all along? Then ends up with Mr. Health Care, something we'll never be able to afford, and we get another bigger mess? Then comes along restriction of free speech, which is his report your neighbor little ditty to flag them as a national security threat because they're against you?
I can see what's next >>.>>
Staying in tune with me far right rant, I'll say this: Bring in the death squads! Not really, kidding, don't.
Thoughts on my half sleeping pill induced rant?
I'm tired, I'll elaborate a little more later. Without all of this rightist rant.
Maybe logic fails you, but you can say you're not comparing him, but what you just did was compare Obama and Hitler. Look up the definition of compare.
Obama is acting just like a brownshirt as of today, or was it yesterday. Anyway, they made a public statement about how the white house wants you to report any American who does not agree with Obama's views or nationalized health care so that they can be labelled a national security threat.
Oh yeah, and now every concerned citizen is a mobster...
Hitler and Obama are completely irrelevant unless you're talking about how popular they were. Obama drew a massive crowd numbering in the millions that was all in one area...that rivals Hitler's massive rallies in the 1930s.
Anyway, they made a public statement about how the white house wants you to report any American who does not agree with Obama's views or nationalized health care so that they can be labelled a national security threat.
he really did that? wow
hitler made the entire german army swear loyalty to him. then he made it so whoever tried to speak out against him was committing treason and they were thrown in death camps
Anyway, they made a public statement about how the white house wants you to report any American who does not agree with Obama's views or nationalized health care so that they can be labelled a national security threat.
That doesn't make any sense. There are a sizable portion of people who do not agree with Obama's views.
There are a few similarities as TSL3 pointed out but Hitler and Obama are mostly different from each other. Hitler was motivated to expand his country's territory through warfare. Hitler saw it fit to force his beliefs on his people or convince his people that what he did was right. Hitler was anti-Semitic. Hitler was a dictator.
So, the similarities are coincidences. There aren't many similarities at all.
Not quite sure it's propaganda at all. Just me deciding to make a thread on what I've noticed in his election, and comparing said election to Hitlers.
So, the similarities are coincidences. There aren't many similarities at all.
While I am a firm believer in coincidences, there are just to many. While not very many at all, still to many for it to be a coincidence.
Maybe logic fails you, but you can say you're not comparing him, but what you just did was compare Obama and Hitler. Look up the definition of compare.
I wasn't, if you read properly. I was comparing their elections.
Obama is acting just like a brownshirt as of today, or was it yesterday. Anyway, they made a public statement about how the white house wants you to report any American who does not agree with Obama's views or nationalized health care so that they can be labelled a national security threat.
Back yourself up. Evidence.
Also. . . .
*has an aneurysm*
Hitler started as a radical preacher-type guy, before gaining a following, trying to forcefully seize power, failing, getting put in jail, shouting a book, getting out of jail, getting elected as Chancellor and then forcefully declaring himself Fuhrer.
Obama came from behind to be the democratic nominee before winning the election, by college and popular vote, and accepting his position as president.
Now on topic. Anyone noticed a few similarities in his election? Such as hope, change, etc., then having him turn on half of those and then end up with a mess on his plate, and not being able to chew it because that was never his intention to make said mess and had a completely different goal all along?
What is this pertaining to? Turn on half of those? I'm... not sure what you're on about.
Then ends up with Mr. Health Care, something we'll never be able to afford, and we get another bigger mess?
I don't remember Hitler being big about health care.
Then comes along restriction of free speech, which is his report your neighbor little ditty to flag them as a national security threat because they're against you?
Didn't hear about that. Looked at some reputable news sites... didn't see anything about it, and that's not the sort of thing I would take on faith - you'll need to provide some evidence for that from the AP.
Hitler and Obama are completely irrelevant unless you're talking about how popular they were. Obama drew a massive crowd numbering in the millions that was all in one area...that rivals Hitler's massive rallies in the 1930s.
I disagree. Anyway I compiled some similarities here:
-People both followed them blindly -Their fathers both left them at a fairly young age -People debated where they were born -Both conceal their family's religious beliefs -Both have at least one half brother -Both had voter fraud (In Obama's case it was Acorn) -Their economy was in a recession
I'm not going to state how similar and significant the similarities are, only that they are there (as VirtualLife posted above). All I'd like to say is that conservatives will see these as hugely important, and Obama becomes Hitler in their minds. Liberals will not even see them at all, and Obama becomes a blameless president in a difficult situation in their minds. No need for posts to quote what I said and say "that's what he is," because clearly you'll see him in whatever way you choose to see him.