I personally do think there will be. And as far as this "war on terrorism" goes it might lead to WW3. I want to know what you guys/girls know. And keep to the rules.
I personally don't believe that there will be a WW3. If there was then, we're all doomed basically; with weapons developing to nuclear bombs. Yes there is conflict between countries. All in all let's face it most of war is based on religion. I'm not saying everyone should stop being religious because you're creating wars. It's just most dominated leaders look upon themselves - dictatorship. This is just my opinion and I expect people to disagree
Third, fourth, fifth, even sixth parties are always present in war, mainly the gun companies, ilegal runoffs and deserters, all of whom have many different affects on the conflicts, more so nowadays the gun companies, who supply any side with arms.
Yes, I believe so. It's predicted in the Bible to be in Meggido in the battle of Armageddon. The one world order will fight with the opposition group and the Christians in a fierce, bloody battle. Then, when all seems lost for the opposition, Jesus will come down from heaven along with his army and destroy the anti-christ(the dictator of the one world government). He will bring peace. Ah, you can read about it more in the Bible in the book of Revelations.
Yes, I believe so. It's predicted in the Bible to be in Meggido in the battle of Armageddon. The one world order will fight with the opposition group and the Christians in a fierce, bloody battle. Then, when all seems lost for the opposition, Jesus will come down from heaven along with his army and destroy the anti-christ(the dictator of the one world government). He will bring peace. Ah, you can read about it more in the Bible in the book of Revelations.
I'm not sure if that will be the world war 3, but hey you never know.
The one world order will fight with the opposition group and the Christians in a fierce, bloody battle.
Will the Christians themselves be actively fighting (not peaceful protests, but physical violence)? Because, if so, they are technically no longer Christian [to be Christ-like] because Jesus wouldn't take up arms.
Will the Christians themselves be actively fighting (not peaceful protests, but physical violence)? Because, if so, they are technically no longer Christian [to be Christ-like] because Jesus wouldn't take up arms.
Since when has that stopped the soldiers of Christ? How about almost certainly never?
Since when has that stopped the soldiers of Christ? How about almost certainly never?
I know. It's a bit of a double standard. "Be peaceful and accept God like us or we kill you for being an enemy." Ironic because Jesus strongly discouraged taking up arms in his defense.
I think that some people consider Vietnam/the Cold War to be WW III and the more recent wars in the East WW IV, so we may be talking about the possibility of a WW V here.
I believe there will eventually be a world war 3. Also, it will most likely involve the USA and either Russia,North Korea, or Iran. I have to say the US with all her allies would probably win.
I'm Sure the US will win But in WW1 and WW2 They were not quick to join in and as i have heard british people say
We Fought The Wars the Americans Just Came in at the end and took the Credit
I myself Do not believe this as i think the American army has played ahuge part in both Wars not to mention how they blitzed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.<¬ Not a fan of that actually . JCCOOL