-get a bank -upgrade to treasury (set auto income) -get a hospital (set to auto manpower) -get an outpost -upgrade outpost -get an armory (set to energy) -upgrade that hospital (set to manpower) -upgrade the tier 2 outpost to the arsenal -now that your that you have the essentials for black queens fire away!!!
Additional details - Be a capitalist works best with. - this takes time and is very risky rely on your friend to defend for you while you prepare. - Make too many and you might get de-synched because they think your hacking sometimes. - dont always build BQ other units are essential for helping your partner win. - place the BQ mass behind your units for they are vunerable against missle resistant units glads, hovers, prides etc.
Well thats my stratgy tell me what you think and give some feed back. -
Why would I want to share my amazing, 82% (65/82)game winning Strategy?! Because I'm nice, thats why.
As a 5 star player, I'm obviously amazing. Except for that rank 10 guy with 1000 wins and 1330 games... st0ner... I don't envy him.
My Strategy, sadly, only for Forge, because I absolutely suck a the Post. I only play games with no missiles. My games rarely last more than 5 minutes. Also, Glads suck.
Bank Forge - Set to repeating Lighting At 50$, start creating Scouts, about 7 or so. At 60$, Armory At 50$, upgrade Forge Then make Heli's, or AA, depending on the other teams build. Energy Plant Upgrade Bank Make counters to any opponent units. Upgrade Energy Plant Make more stuff Go in for the Kill!!! Hopefully wiping out any resistance, and destroying there base. I find myself killing off a lot of the enemy's units, maybe because I actually look at their build! Great thing to learn if you want to be a top rank player like yours truly.
monarchy build bank build forge, immediatly send romans until it stops. build generator upgrade to solar thingy make the special sakatas make another generator and upgrade send more romans, with some scouts for backup have teammate send a few tanks more sakatas repeat until u win
this start rely's on having a team mate: fascist build bank build forge build romans or scouts to defend early build generator, upgrate to solar panel build armory get money(green)until you can upgrade forge upgrade forge and change armory to get energy(blue) if they have air build sakata anti air upgrade forge again, lower bank and build generator spam sakata spiders with anti air sakatas sent all at once(don't undo rally) win (makesure you have an ally to build units before you get upgrade forge
Want a strategy? Lol best way is by experience. But if u want to know. I have some tips. Never make phantoms they die to quick. Only make if they have alot of tanks and no anti air. Also people underestimate the power of romans. Last try to focus on forge more often for easy counters against most oponnents.
@Bstroyer A small army of hover tanks would own your gladiators no matter you have meds or not. There is no invincible strategy for colony, any build could win if wielded with skill.
Um to all those rinse and repeats there, if they dont work the first time your screwed. the other team is going to have a steady defense after the first wave, 2 tanks will destroy most the romans before they shoot, 3 anti has to be taken out with 3 queens ( and if your rinsing and repeating, you wont have) or ground, but your ground is probly getting killed from any choice of teir 3 unit