Build a bank. Build an outpost/forge. Build a few defense units. Upgrade your bank. Build armory. Build generator. Upgrade generator. Upgrade your outpost/forge.
At mission 5 just forget that you'll have to missle 'm down! Just do the strategy from: Firetail_madness
Build a bank. Build an outpost/forge. Build a few defense units. Upgrade your bank. Build armory. Build generator. Upgrade generator. Upgrade your outpost/forge.
The rest you'll find along your way.
Then you'll win! The same at mission 1,2,3,4 and mission 6 =D.
The bank produce $45 in 60 seconds A treasury produce $80 An armory produce $54
If you play capitalist, always go armory first! Especially if you go for outpost, with bank you will end up with huge amount of useless money. With forge at least there is the phantom...
Capitalist.Bank upgrade to tresurey then hospital and another then outpost and upgrade and make snipers and medics put them near their base but not to far just make sure you will kill their troops then keep makeing snipers and if hovers come out run back run forward then run back then charge and have some snipers not attacking the base
On earthquake- be fascist(just saying what I do a lot)- get an up....another armory. Then get outpost and forge. Then provide for both, only using romans and snipers.Same speed and romans are good buffers+they best base destroyers.Then you have snipers taking out tanks and base as well. Make sure romans are on charge and snipers are set just far enough to shoot enemy units but close enough not to be hit back by anything other than snipers.
I usually build a Bank, then a Forge. Upgrade the bank, build an Armory. Then build TONS of scouts. Build a generator and upgrade it. Spam Scouts and Phantoms, and don't forget to have Anti-air Sakatas and Groditz for anti air and mass scouts/phantoms for ground. You're teammate should concentrate on ground (Hover Tanks) and Black Queens, and a line of medics before the Hover Tanks.
Here's all my strategies from my thread that died long ago...
Infinite Romans: [Set to Fascists] 1. Build a Bank 2. Build a Forge (Don't build units yet!) 3. Build a Generator (Making energy) 4. Build another Generator (Making energy) 5. Upgrade both Generators 6. Collect At least $90 from Bank 7. Destroy Bank 8. Build another Generator and upgrade it (Making energy) 9. INFINITE ROMANS! (Deploy Romans from Forge)
Infinite Marines: [Set to Communists] 1. Build a Bank 2. Build a Outpost (Don't build units yet!) 3. Build an Armory (Set to "Plan Financial Support" 4. Build another Armory (Set both Armories to "Planning Reinforcements" 5. INFINITE MARINES! (Deploy Marines from Outpost)
Infinite Scouts: [Set to Fascists] 1. Build a Bank (Making money) 2. Build a Forge (Don't build units yet!) 3. Upgrade Bank to a Treasury (Making money) 3. Build a Generator (Making energy) 4. Build another Generator (Making energy) 5. Upgrade both Generators (Making energy) 9. INFINITE SCOUTS! (Deploy Scouts from Forge)
Almost Infinite Snipers: [Set to Capitalist] 1. Build a Bank (Making money) 2. Build a Bunker (Don't build units yet! Unless you need to.) 3. Build a Hospital (Making manpower) 4. Build another Hospital (Making manpower) 5. Upgrade Bunker to Barracks (Don't build units yet! Unless you need to.) 6. Upgrade both Hospitals to War Sanctums (Making manpower) 7. ALMOST INFINITE SNIPERS! (Deploy Snipers from Barracks)