Build armory, another armory,(get money) and a generator if they aren't rushing and a forge if they are. Upgrade Gen or get one. Then get a forge of upgrade your Gen. Upgrade forge and send out some units. Wait and upgrade, and then send out a combination of spiders, sakata mk 2's, glads, or others. Change one armory to energy. Have your parter try to fight against hoverz, which added with BQ's, beats this build.
If you can beat opposing Hoverz, then send your aa to kill any air units and then mass some spiders. I find this strategy very effective.
The key to a good strategy is communication. If u ar air make aa quick, if ur ground focus on winning thr ground war. If ur partner is ops be either fprge or use a dual build.
Now you got a lot of options, look at the enemy to see what they are doing. If the enemy 1: Outpost > make a few tanks if they had romans already out 2: Armory > energy if they are not planning a rush 3: Upgrade the Forge if they make lots of scouts or tanks
The above three need to be completed with build order depends on the enemy actions. Now you have access to every unit counter in the game.
Use the right units to defeat anything the enemy try to throw at you. When you controlling the battlefield at that point, build mix of MK2/Chronites/Phantoms with autoroman push is almost impossible to stop. Be sure to micro your phantoms to attack enemy hovers or retreat from MK2s, or take out enemy air forces with your own MK2s, and retreat/standground while pushing with the rest of your army.
Sorry it is the other way around, it is extremely strong against any enemy who try to rush.
Any fast rush can only consist of mainly one or two types of units, which is easily beaten by their respective counters. Once the material advantage surfaced it is nearly impossible to come back, because rushing push them behind in tech that is required to beat phantoms. If they managed to pull out MK2 they will be owned by ground forces due to resource/buildtime deficiency, as phantoms/romans are easy to replace and they are out of options as your 3~4 MK2s standing behind your army completely shut down any air units.
If they camp, just hit and run with your unit counters, once material advantage is gained, push it that is pretty much gameover.
I've yet to see camping works, while I keep harrassing with phantoms/mk2/tanks depending on what they are massing. I blow up those few units with minimal loss all the time before I got critical mass to push. The only thing that prevent me to win is glitching.
In fact, this strategy is as cheesy as my old build for dogfight. I developed and use it just to prove that Capitalists is still way overpowered.
1.make 2-3 black queen 2.make some sniper(if enemy have sakatas) 3.make lot of hover tanks 4.If enemy have phantoms/scout ask your friend to make sakatas(if he forge)
gladiator are weak againts air sakatas is weak againts sniper(except mod-sakata) hover tank is weak againts phantom all air unit is weak again sakata-MKII Sniper weak againts non-chronite armor units horde of scouts weak againts groditz sphinx and medic weak againts roman roman weak againts all tannk lot of sakata weak agints missile prides weak agints tank all chronite armor unit weak againts sniper far sniper waeak againt taks and air unit sakata(except AA-gun)weak againts black queen
gladiator are weak againts air sakatas is weak againts sniper(except mod-sakata) hover tank is weak againts phantom all air unit is weak again sakata-MKII Sniper weak againts non-chronite armor units horde of scouts weak againts groditz sphinx and medic weak againts roman roman weak againts all tannk lot of sakata weak agints missile prides weak agints tank all chronite armor unit weak againts sniper far sniper waeak againt taks and air unit sakata(except AA-gun)weak againts black queen
To be honest. All good builds can be destroyed by a good rush w/ ops. Yes there are builds that can counter but chances are they won't be able to do much once they realise what's gonna happen.
VEBIAN YOU SUCK, my ss is the database of all in colony, and WHY THE F ARE GLADS WEAK AGAINST AIR OR FAR SNIPERS WEAK AGAINST TANKS? They are excellent agains tanks, but bad against ROMANS because mass romans cant be killed by micro far snipers, although by micro hovers.