Now you're probably opening this thinking "oh great another rant on religion", well you're right. But please keep reading on because what I have to say is important and applies to all beliefs, even if you don't have one.
Many religions now believe the world is going to end, soon. Basically they believe this because of "signs" and their precious magic books. Well the scary thing is the world could end soon, and religion could actually be its cause. The fact is, for the world to live on religion must die. Faith is nothing to brag about it, and people who accept faith, or preach it are just intellectual slaveholders. Religion has caused so much craziness and destruction and I think 9/11 is a great example, however I won't get into it much because of everything else I have to say.
Now, why is religion so powerful? Because it allows people who DON'T have the answer to what happens when we die to think they do. If you're a christian or any other religion you may think it's great to say "PLEASE GOD I'M WILLING! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU ASK OF ME!" Well guess what, there are no gods talking to us so that void is filled in by corrupt and often hostile people.
This is why anti-religious rationalists must come out of the freakin closet and let themselves be heard. And for those of you who only consider yourselves "a little religious", is the safe feeling of believing in a religion worth the pain and destruction it causes? If you belonged to a social group that wasn't a religion that involved so much bigotry, homophobia, violence, and ignorance as religions you would quit the club and protest against it. And if the end of the world comes because of nuclear arms led by religious nut jobs... just remember what the true problem was. We found a way to end lives on a mass scale before we stopped wishing for it.
PS. not all religions are extreme or death to america
lol everyone is assuming i think that for some reason? I know its not death to america... but for a lot of religions it's death to people who dont think like us.
Have you ever heard of Christianity or Buddhists or Jews and many other religions? They are all against violence. Do you even know the Ten Commandments? if you did you would have realized that you are wrong.
like i said.... i was raised CATHOLIC for 14 years. ok let's tear apart what you said shall we?
They are all against violence
really? I'm pretty sure the christians started a 100 year war for the "holy land"?
Do you even know the Ten Commandments?
yes. the first four or 3 w/e it is are all about how "you cant love any other god besides me". the rest cant really be applied to day except for dont steal and dont kill. what about "thou shall not create nuclear arms"? "thou shall not give to global warming"?
not all religions are evil yet they most likely have a few terrorists in each. the religion can be portrayed as evil because chihauhuas have the loudest bark (minorities are heard most). religions actually help more psychologically than destroy physically.
I don't think so, they give people false hope and make them think everyone else is wrong except for them. How does that help anything except their own ego?
which would you rather have - inflated ego or deflated ego
they give people false hope
the point is they're waiting for heaven when they die. this influence can have great effects in survival. do you think they'll be disappointed after they're dead?
and also to add to gagamen's point people go and blow themselves taking out many people around them including themselves hoping to get to heaven... how does that add to survival?
So your saying that something that teaches people to live a good life and do good helpful things is evil? Its just sad that you think your sooo smart when you dont know much at all.
-You are wrong, when people expect to go to heaven they will do all kinds of things thinking that they will still go to heaven if they accept God as their saviour etc.
actually you are wrong, you have to be truely sorry for your sins if you ever want to go to heaven, you also have to accept Christ.