ForumsWEPR[necro] Why you don't believe in God?

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71 posts

Before you comment, please, read everything, I'm sure that after you read, your life will be changed.

In the following sentences I will explain how stupid is to not believe in God, and I'm gonna use logical thinking and science.

Either "Everything came from nothing", like the "big bang" , witch is impossible, because nothing can only make nothing, or "Something always existed and made everything" like God.

God made this world, by this world I mean time, space and matter, so if God made this world, He lives outside of time, space and matter which means He's eternal, omnipresent and all-powerful.

For those of you who say that the big bang made the universe, I have this sentence: Nothing is the cause of it's own existence.
This doesn't apply to God, because if He doesn't lives in time, He didn't had a beginning, He always existed.
If the universe always was then, we could not reach this moment in time, if something is trapped in time, that means it had a beginning.

Every change that happens everywhere in the universe it's more closer to destruction.
Second law of thermodynamics:
The energy available after a chemical reaction is less than that at the beginning of a reaction; energy conversions are not 100% efficient.
The disorder in the universe always increases.
With each change in form, some energy is degraded to a less useful form and given off into the surroundings, usually as low-quality heat.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is commonly known as the Law of Increased Entropy. While quantity remains the same, the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. How so? Usable energy is inevitably used for productivity, growth and repair. In the process, usable energy is converted into unusable energy. Thus, usable energy is irretrievably lost in the form of unusable energy.

If God didn't made life, then how did non-life, became life?
As I said, nothing is the cause of it's own existence, life comes from life, your parents were alive when they made you.

Did you knew that a 2x2 inch capacity full with someone's DNA can sustain 6000000000 times more information then a 140 GB hard drive?
I guess you didn't knew, did evolution made your DNA?
God made your DNA, of course!

What about the monkeys?
If we evolved from them, why they stayed as they are? they took a long coffee break, I guess.

What about the fossils?
The scientists say that it takes millions and billions and zilions of years for living tissue to become a fossil, well here's 2 pictures with a cawboy's leg fossilized, enjoy

After all I have showed you, now I'm gonna say that you should accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, because He died for our sins and He didn't ask something from us, just to love our brothers and sisters and to believe in Him.
Anyone can ask for forgiveness as long as he or she is not dead, no matter what they did God can forgive them, if they repent from theirs sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
God is mercyful and just, His justice is not denyed by His mercy and this is the reason why God sent His Son Jesus to pay the price for us.

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

  • 881 Replies
404 posts

First of all i am going to say i am atheist and second of all i respect that you believe in god .

259 posts

For those of you who say that the big bang made the universe, I have this sentence: Nothing is the cause of it's own existence.
This doesn't apply to God, because if He doesn't lives in time, He didn't had a beginning, He always existed.
If the universe always was then, we could not reach this moment in time, if something is trapped in time, that means it had a beginning.

What you just said right there, is why I don't believe in God
1,150 posts

nice job Zep0Q, im impressed. Thank you for this and I hope this thread last for a while, cause it was well made! (BTW im a proud Catholic)

404 posts


9,462 posts

There are a number of problems with your logic and this isn't the first time I have heard this argument for a god. I really don't have time to get into pointing each thing out right now but perhaps some one else would like that honor.

But I will ask even if all this did prove there was a god how are you sure that it's the god of the bible and not some other god?

1,455 posts

Hmm, I remember a thread about the issue of nothing creating something... I can't remember exactly what is was called (I'm not much of a scientist), but there was the explanation that before time, space, and the rest were created, there were no laws of matter. Therefore, nothing COULD create something. Does anyone know what that's called?

4,097 posts

Did you knew that a 2x2 inch capacity full with someone's DNA can sustain 6000000000 times more information then a 140 GB hard drive?
I guess you didn't knew, did evolution made your DNA?
God made your DNA, of course!

How does that prove that God made our DNA?

If God didn't made life, then how did non-life, became life?
As I said, nothing is the cause of it's own existence, life comes from life, your parents were alive when they made you.


What about the monkeys?
If we evolved from them, why they stayed as they are? they took a long coffee break, I guess.

We didn't evolve from monkeys. We both evolved from a common ancestor.

What about the fossils?
The scientists say that it takes millions and billions and zilions of years for living tissue to become a fossil, well here's 2 pictures with a cawboy's leg fossilized, enjoy

Here's a picture of two crumbling clay statues, stuck in boots. And explain to me how the boots were preserved but the legs were fossilized.

because He died for our sins

Being born was never a sin before Christianity came along. I don't sin, so stop telling me I do.

Anyway, my troll detector is buzzing. So I think that's all I have for this.
1,251 posts

or "Something always existed and made everything" like God.

and what created god? you can't just assume everything came from nothing I know.... but aren't you assuming that if you believe in a god?

This doesn't apply to God, because if He doesn't lives in time, He didn't had a beginning, He always existed.

to exist means you must have been created, or you wouldn't exist... at least in my opinion.

What about the monkeys?
If we evolved from them, why they stayed as they are? they took a long coffee break, I guess.

evolution is a long process, they could still be evolving from whatever they evolved from before being monkeys.

w/e I'm not coming back to this thread because I don't want to bash anyone's beliefs... atleast not on my own thread xD
1,455 posts

Being born was never a sin before Christianity came along. I don't sin, so stop telling me I do.

Hey Green, just to clarify, Christians don't believe being born is a sin. Christianity refers to the sins that we will commit since, sadly, nobody is perfect.

THAT'S what I'm thinking of! Thanks
404 posts

This may sound agnostic but if there is one almighty big motherf*cker named god then i dont care i can kick his as* any day

71 posts

How does that prove that God made our DNA?

Dear Green12324, the DNA is the most complex structure that human race has ever seen, evolution doesn't wants to make a being more complex and intelligent, evolution would make a being more good at making babys.

and what created god? you can't just assume everything came from nothing I know.... but aren't you assuming that if you believe in a god?

Lieutenut, He exists outside of time, He made time, He would not be God if He was created, your question is a fallacy.

evolution is a long process, they could still be evolving from whatever they evolved from before being monkeys.

If I would tell you that a magician flew through the air, you would not believe me, but if I would tell you that the magician flew through the air very slow, see how stupid this is?
By the way, if you kiss a frog, it will not become a prince, but, time+frog=prince, in fact, people like you claim that we evolved from frogs(amphibians).
71 posts

This may sound agnostic but if there is one almighty big motherf*cker named god then i dont care i can kick his as* any day

marton96, you just exposed your stupidity and rudeness.
404 posts

"Lieutenut, He exists outside of time, He made time, He would not be God if He was created, your question is a fallacy."

Then he cant exist if he is not within time then he cannot influence us

404 posts

"marton96, you just exposed your stupidity and rudeness."

Stow it hell does not exist so cry on your pillow tonight cause god doesnt either

434 posts

This may sound agnostic but if there is one almighty big motherf*cker named god then i dont care i can kick his as* any day

What the hell!!!

I cannot wait until he destroys you with lightning.
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