ForumsWEPR[necro] Why you don't believe in God?

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Before you comment, please, read everything, I'm sure that after you read, your life will be changed.

In the following sentences I will explain how stupid is to not believe in God, and I'm gonna use logical thinking and science.

Either "Everything came from nothing", like the "big bang" , witch is impossible, because nothing can only make nothing, or "Something always existed and made everything" like God.

God made this world, by this world I mean time, space and matter, so if God made this world, He lives outside of time, space and matter which means He's eternal, omnipresent and all-powerful.

For those of you who say that the big bang made the universe, I have this sentence: Nothing is the cause of it's own existence.
This doesn't apply to God, because if He doesn't lives in time, He didn't had a beginning, He always existed.
If the universe always was then, we could not reach this moment in time, if something is trapped in time, that means it had a beginning.

Every change that happens everywhere in the universe it's more closer to destruction.
Second law of thermodynamics:
The energy available after a chemical reaction is less than that at the beginning of a reaction; energy conversions are not 100% efficient.
The disorder in the universe always increases.
With each change in form, some energy is degraded to a less useful form and given off into the surroundings, usually as low-quality heat.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics is commonly known as the Law of Increased Entropy. While quantity remains the same, the quality of matter/energy deteriorates gradually over time. How so? Usable energy is inevitably used for productivity, growth and repair. In the process, usable energy is converted into unusable energy. Thus, usable energy is irretrievably lost in the form of unusable energy.

If God didn't made life, then how did non-life, became life?
As I said, nothing is the cause of it's own existence, life comes from life, your parents were alive when they made you.

Did you knew that a 2x2 inch capacity full with someone's DNA can sustain 6000000000 times more information then a 140 GB hard drive?
I guess you didn't knew, did evolution made your DNA?
God made your DNA, of course!

What about the monkeys?
If we evolved from them, why they stayed as they are? they took a long coffee break, I guess.

What about the fossils?
The scientists say that it takes millions and billions and zilions of years for living tissue to become a fossil, well here's 2 pictures with a cawboy's leg fossilized, enjoy

After all I have showed you, now I'm gonna say that you should accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, because He died for our sins and He didn't ask something from us, just to love our brothers and sisters and to believe in Him.
Anyone can ask for forgiveness as long as he or she is not dead, no matter what they did God can forgive them, if they repent from theirs sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
God is mercyful and just, His justice is not denyed by His mercy and this is the reason why God sent His Son Jesus to pay the price for us.

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life."

  • 881 Replies
1,251 posts

I have yet to meet one. Can you introduce me?

there probably aren't any, those people are called agnostics. Not all agnostics believe that though, just something that agnostics CAN believe.

Anyways, I think it's possible for an atheist to not believe in evolution, all an atheist means is someone who doesn't believe in any god/gods.

Prefix: a- means "no or not"

root: theist, means "one who believes in a god"

so yeah, an atheist doesn't HAVE to believe in evolution, but most do.
13 posts

I have yet to meet one. Can you introduce me?

hi my names Sexy
8,051 posts

The Bible has been tried for thousands of years,

that's just it. it's thousands of years old. lemme quote something else you said to prove my point.
said that the world was flat, everything rotated around the earth, and that maggots could appear from a slab of beef sitting in the open...

also try doing something religious while using a double-blind procedure.

you see miracles because you are looking for them
8,570 posts

Oohlala someone wants a debate!
The Agnostic Debater Is:

"90%" of pHD scientists also say that the earth is getting warmer, without a shred of evidence that proves to. "90%" of scientists also said that the world was flat, everything rotated around the earth, and that maggots could appear from a slab of beef sitting in the open...

You need to provide some scientific evidence for Christianity. Really . . . .

Show me some scientific evidence for evolution.

I just get mad when people try to convert me with utterly incorrect facts, then insult you when you poke holes in them.

1. And how are they utterly incorrect? Examples please.
2. You don't think we get ticked when assaulted with atheistic/evolutionist beliefs all for the sake of debunking our faith?
3. If a Christian has wronged you then he needs to get right with you and with God, like the cases of the Crusades and Inquisition, one (or a group of) Christians don't necessarily represent the rest of us. If you don't mind I'll use personal experience again saying that some atheists are good people, and not all try to destroy Christianity, but you cannot deny that there are some atheists that have a passion against believers. That doesn't mean that all atheists are like that. The same is with Christianity.

If you take a step back, we know almost nothing.

Does that deter humans from persuing science? Of course not. And as of yet Christianity has a solid foundation and I have not yet encountered even close to enough evidence to prove the Bible wrong, so I'm going to believe in it. And why do you think the universe is so huge and mysterious and we can never understand it? Well, maybe someone intelligent designed it that way.

Honestly I think it takes more faith to believe that the universe just coincidentally happened than it takes to believe an intelligent designer crafted it.

As before, I will break it down and address each paragraph.

"90%" of pHD scientists also say that the earth is getting warmer, without a shred of evidence that proves to. "90%" of scientists also said that the world was flat, everything rotated around the earth, and that maggots could appear from a slab of beef sitting in the open...

That's exactly what I said before! We know almost nothing, neither the Bible nor science can truly be proven or disproven. But you cannot attempt to make Doctors(Doctor not being medical, but a term used to refer to someone with a Ph.D.)look stupid, because in this world, they are among the best and brightest. And global warming is an object of debate, but I will say this. The bible has no solid foundation, either.

You need to provide some scientific evidence for Christianity. Really . . . .

Show me some scientific evidence for evolution.

Well, you don't need to show any evidence, because Christianity centers on faith, but the atheists are craving some scientific evidence, because that's what they do.
There is an awful lot of scientific evidence on evolution. Skeletons resembling humans, apes, etc, and then the older and younger(we can timeline)the bones, you can see progress in the structure, adaptation to help it survive. As is the way of things.

And how are they utterly incorrect? Examples please.
2. You don't think we get ticked when assaulted with atheistic/evolutionist beliefs all for the sake of debunking our faith?
3. If a Christian has wronged you then he needs to get right with you and with God, like the cases of the Crusades and Inquisition, one (or a group of) Christians don't necessarily represent the rest of us. If you don't mind I'll use personal experience again saying that some atheists are good people, and not all try to destroy Christianity, but you cannot deny that there are some atheists that have a passion against believers. That doesn't mean that all atheists are like that. The same is with Christianity.

Well, let's see. Take a look at the OP of this thread for example. One of his arguments is that atheists and scientists say it takes "millions and billions and zillions" of years to create fossils, then shows us a picture of a "cawboy's leg fossilized" which is in fact, two crumbling clay statues shoved in a pair of cowboy boots. THAT is utterly incorrect. I could go on, but you get my gist.
I'm not stereotyping against Christians. I'm just saying that on both sides, it gets annoying when one person's belief is shoved in your face. And it happens to me on a daily basis, an agnostic living in a notoriously religious community. People come to my door trying to convert me, not just Christians, but atheists too. And I've become equally pissed at both sides, excuse my French.
And I agree with you on the very last. Some Atheists and some Christians are both good people, and some Atheists, some Christians are bad people. Can't judge either way. And I have never been wronged by a Christian, they just annoy me sometimes.

Does that deter humans from persuing science? Of course not. And as of yet Christianity has a solid foundation and I have not yet encountered even close to enough evidence to prove the Bible wrong, so I'm going to believe in it. And why do you think the universe is so huge and mysterious and we can never understand it? Well, maybe someone intelligent designed it that way.

First of all, you misspelled &quotursuing". Second, you're saying the Bible has sufficient evidence. Like what? A couple of people started saying they had spoken to an almighty being and people believed them. There. Huge and mysterious...yes. We can never understand it...yes. But that does not mean it was created by an all powerful being. Don't get me wrong, I think the idea of the Big Bang is retarded. But I don't believe that God made the universe that way. Something else did, perhaps something divine, more of a presence. Definitely not the God mentioned in the Bible though, because that is just as foolhardy as the Big Bang. And the fact that we can prove nothing matters not to humans, because they are a naturally curious race, I will attest to that. But I don't see how that part ties to my words...

W00t! Debating is fun! But for now, once again...

The Agnostic Debater Is:
543 posts

I'll just say what I believe, NOTHING exists, time,space,reality, NOTHING exists. Can you really believe that this whole Universe is real? What's real? Life is a mystery, no one will ever know, even of our own existance in an empty world.

I think I sound abit crazy?
Conversion to insanity: -_- o_o 0_0 @_@ @0@

8,051 posts

what is existence? to have a being? what is real? an existence? can you believe the complexity of your body?

although ignorance is bliss, i recommend not taking the easy way out if you wish to understand something.

i think we (humans) are not programmed to understand god, just as you cannot teach a dog science.

543 posts

Maybe one day dogs can learn science............what did I just say? I think I'm going crazy -_-.

10 posts

Of course we ar &quotrogrammed" to believe in God!Just think and look around you.Look at nature, the huge sea, the high sky, the billions of billions of stars.You'll realise that all this couldn't have been made just like that, with no purpose, no couldn't have been made randomly!!
Ps: I'm not Christian, so for me, Jesus is not God, but a prophet sent from God

332 posts

You'll realise that all this couldn't have been made just like that, with no purpose, no couldn't have been made randomly!!

Why not? All thats saying is we can't really comprehend everything around us. Just because you personally don't believe all of it could have been created without intervention doesn't mean there isn't evidence for it. If you had a higher understanding of science you might be more inclined to think it could have been formed naturally. Personally, I don't have a very complex knowledge of science, but I still believe that this happened naturally. It'd be pretty amazing if it turned out there was some form of higher power, and I definitely wouldn't be complaining, but it isn't just "randomly" as you said. The theory of evolution has some randomness with mutations, but all in all, its actually pretty organized. When something develops a favorable mutation, its more likely to survive and pass on its genes, and what we have is billions of years of evolution. People seem to forget just how much time that is and how much opportunity that offers for evolution. Not everything has to have a reason to exist....
2,399 posts

Mike's back!

Of course we ar &quotrogrammed" to believe in God!

Now your judging the human race as 'robots', either that or your at a complete loss of words, and if were really 'rogrammed' to believe in God, why don't we all believe in God from the start, wouldn't our first word be 'God'. It's very illogical to be saying what you are saying.
5,579 posts

Now your judging the human race as 'robots', either that or your at a complete loss of words, and if were really 'rogrammed' to believe in God, why don't we all believe in God from the start, wouldn't our first word be 'God'. It's very illogical to be saying what you are saying.

Humans are innately 'rogrammed', as he put it, to believe in something bigger than themselves. It is nature to think that we are just Another Brick in the Wall (:P), and that we are just little things. Why do you think humans have a fascination with hierarchies, and power? If we don't serve God, we serve kings and queens. If we don't serve them, we serve science. It's simple psychology. Then people who are a little bit above everyone feed off this for personal or other gain, and thus was born religion.

Looking forward to a few of those good fights with you again. Hate them at the time, but afterwords they're fun.

Yay! Not really. Headaches are to come. . . . But still wepic! I'm still surprised I agreed with you. . . I never do.

Anyway, it's nice another good debater is back. Even if they use dirty tactics sometimes. . . . Lawl joking XD
410 posts

Why do you think humans have a fascination with hierarchies, and power? If we don't serve God, we serve kings and queens. If we don't serve them, we serve science. It's simple psychology. Then people who are a little bit above everyone feed off this for personal or other gain, and thus was born religion.

I think the last time monarchies had any relevance was when they were imposed. I don't think that serfs in the old days were particularly happy with the caste system. It wasn't really a choice who they served if the ruler was a big enough tyrant.

And what about religions without hierarchy? I think you meant the Papacy was born out of peoples need to feed off those lower than themselves. I don't think Imams and Rabbis have abused their power in the past as much, or if they have it's been forgotten.
5,579 posts

I think the last time monarchies had any relevance was when they were imposed. I don't think that serfs in the old days were particularly happy with the caste system. It wasn't really a choice who they served if the ruler was a big enough tyrant.

They never fought back, and they often coward in their presence, and needed them for protection. Regardless of whether imposed or not, they still felt the need to serve them, like it or not. People are weak minded by nature, and that was the result.

And what about religions without hierarchy? I think you meant the Papacy was born out of peoples need to feed off those lower than themselves. I don't think Imams and Rabbis have abused their power in the past as much, or if they have it's been forgotten.

Religions without hierarchy rarely succeed. Anything without hierarchy rarely succeeds. It's because of the simple fact humans are selfish, and aren't very good at sharing. People detest hierarchy, yet the serve it. When they get there, they become detested.

I'm pretty sure they abused their power. But no one cared, so they forgot.
8,570 posts

More debate!
The Agnostic Debater Is:

You, however, wouldn't admit the bible was incorrect on just one passage if I was pulling your fingernails out.

Name one passage. Like I've been saying, give me some examples. Every time I ask for an example so I can counter it, you evade it. Just come right out and say it.

Also, definition: biased devotion to any group, attitude, or cause.

Biased? The Bible has been tried for thousands of years, and it is still rock solid. Evolutionism/atheism has been established for a few hundred years and already it's full of holes and makes no sense. Who's the one who's biased?

We beat down that guy.

Me or Zep?

You know the drill by now.

Name one passage. Like I've been saying, give me some examples. Every time I ask for an example so I can counter it, you evade it. Just come right out and say it.

Genesis. When's the last time snakes spoke? And...I'm no fanatic, but I recall a chapter where a Nazirite lost his super strength because his backstabbing wife(who never actually intended to be his wife, she was after the bounty)cut his hair. Then, he prayed to God and got his strength back and pushed over a bunch of pillars. I don't remember the name, though.
Biased? The Bible has been tried for thousands of years, and it is still rock solid. Evolutionism/atheism has been established for a few hundred years and already it's full of holes and makes no sense. Who's the one who's biased?

Heh heh. All of us is biased, you can't deny that. The atheists and agnostics were probably raised not to believe the Bible, and the Christians were probably raised to go to church every Sunday. We're all biased. But the Bible full of holes! When's the last time snakes spoke? The last time people were superstrong, then lost their strength when they cut their hair? Hm? Exactly. Neither theory is perfect.
Me or Zep?

Zep.His argument was retarded in the first place. You're still fighting.
10 posts

Nowdays society is too material, and only knows how to use their basic senses, like seeing, smelling, touching.
I know, if you Really REALLY don't believe in God, then call your son God, or Allah, or Jesus Christ!!

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