Yes, that's the argument many hardcore republicans are making >.>
Apparently the republican party cares more about making sure they can beat Obama in the 2012 election than actually giving people what they need... a new health care system. Examples?
1.) Scaring and using propaganda on the elderly. They are telling them that Obama's new health care system for some reason won't cover them... Where did they get this? In the bill it says that elderly will have the CHOICE to make their will and have it covered by health care... and will be able to CHOOSE if they get to the point where they are being supported by a machine to have the plug pulled or not...
2.) Using one of the Politician's favorite weapons... name calling. Yes they are calling Obama a socialist and scaring the crap out of everyone... of course they are only scaring the moderates and right wingers, but still with lies. Most left wingers realize that socialized health care isn't bad. However by saying that socialized medicine and health care will be forced on you is just a BIG FAT LIE. Which is what most of the republican party is, big fat liars. However I'm not saying they all are... take Sarah Palin she's a Hot Skinny Liar xD
So yeah what do you think of this? Republicans using lies and propaganda to try and secure an election in 2012 instead of trying to work together and give America what they need? Good or Bad? I'm pretty sure it's obvious
I'm not sure where people are getting the number of $4000 a person. My family's health insurance is $10,000 a year for five people. We have BlueCross which is a top brand. That's $2,000 a person. Also realize that these companies have to make a profit. If you socialize health care, and cut the profit. Some estimate that they get a 50% return on their coverage (link below). So cut that, and you're down to $1,000 a person. When other countries switched to socialized health care, clerical costs were cut by almost 25%. That's things like paper, databases, contacts between companies eliminated, etc. Now we're down to $750 per person.
At $750 a person, that's $225 billion in taxes to ensure 300,000,000 people. But since only 50 million are uninsured and they would be the ones getting the coverage, that cuts costs by 5/6. Now we're down to $37.5 billion in taxes.
$37.5 billion divided by 300 million people equals $125 per person per year in taxes. That's a tax I'd be willing to pay to help 50 million people.
So yeah what do you think of this? Republicans using lies and propaganda to try and secure an election in 2012 instead of trying to work together and give America what they need? Good or Bad?
Good or bad doesn't enter into it. It's just politics.
Pretty much everyone lies & uses propaganda to get what they want; this isn't really any different.
yes but that's per person, not per family. including poor people, which is probably why they're taxing the rich more
That's what I said. $350 per person. And the rich will be taking on most of it. Middle and lower class families will be paying little for this program.
Okay, allow me to speak as someone who has spent a lot of time living off of government support.
You don't want our government "helping" you with medical care. Or any other personal needs, if you can help it. Don't bother looking to Canada or Germany, our government is not theirs and I am here to tell you, if you have to rely on OUR bureaucrats for YOUR personal well being, it is not going to be a walk in the park. Just read up on how they've been treating people on medicare, or on their veteran's aid program. I have plenty of my own experiences as well, but I'm trying not to write a novel here. Just remember that bureaucrats mostly SUCK MONKEY BALLS.
Our current medical system is in the crapper, and a very good question to ask is: how did we get to where we are now? I will give you a hint. Our government has a very VERY long history of meddling in medical affairs. And now they're trying to tell you that the PRIVATE sector has failed and the solution is to give them MORE control.
For those of you who enjoy using google, look up the history of government involvement in health care. Read about how employment-based insurance originally came to be, about the blues that later turned into Blue Cross, about their special tax status that gave them a monopoly in the health care market. Read about cost plus. Read about how the FDA limits access to advancements that can save lives. Don't take my word for it. GOOGLE AND READ.
In addition to history, look at what's going on RIGHT NOW. Obama and company are trying to rush legislation through that *legislators themselves haven't even read*. It's over a thousand pages of proposals that will change life for all Americans drastically. NO WAY should this be rushed through.
Last time we had a "crisis" that only the government could save us from, and they rushed it, 700 billion dollars went missing, completely unaccounted for. For starters. Actually, the American people has been ripped off for way more money than that, but that's another story.
For a more personal touch, my uncle is a very well respected doctor here in my area (Sonoma County, north bay area in California). He reports that both himself and MANY other established docs he knows around here will be FORCED to retire if Obama's health plan passes, because they can't afford to make the switch to fully computerized data systems.
And I live in a pretty tech savvy area, I can only imagine how pronounced the effect would be elsewhere. A bill that forces docs to retire isn't good for health care for that reason alone, but trust me there's soooo much to be concerned about. I could literally go on and on, but I'll stop here. Do your OWN research! Don't trust what politicians or media say. Get your hands on documents, facts, history! Look at actions our government has taken, and where it's gotten us. That is all!
I would imagine Universal Health Care being like compulsory schooling in that every child is guaranteed the benefits regardless of his/her family's economic status.