ForumsWEPROh my God new Health Care is a bad idea

53 7098
1,251 posts

Yes, that's the argument many hardcore republicans are making >.>

Apparently the republican party cares more about making sure they can beat Obama in the 2012 election than actually giving people what they need... a new health care system. Examples?

1.) Scaring and using propaganda on the elderly. They are telling them that Obama's new health care system for some reason won't cover them... Where did they get this? In the bill it says that elderly will have the CHOICE to make their will and have it covered by health care... and will be able to CHOOSE if they get to the point where they are being supported by a machine to have the plug pulled or not...

2.) Using one of the Politician's favorite weapons... name calling. Yes they are calling Obama a socialist and scaring the crap out of everyone... of course they are only scaring the moderates and right wingers, but still with lies. Most left wingers realize that socialized health care isn't bad. However by saying that socialized medicine and health care will be forced on you is just a BIG FAT LIE. Which is what most of the republican party is, big fat liars. However I'm not saying they all are... take Sarah Palin she's a Hot Skinny Liar xD

So yeah what do you think of this? Republicans using lies and propaganda to try and secure an election in 2012 instead of trying to work together and give America what they need? Good or Bad? I'm pretty sure it's obvious

  • 53 Replies
1,455 posts

Thanks for the link (I just saw it as I submitted). Anyway, I'm leaving now, thanks for the discussion.

144 posts

I'll give you some specific page numbers of high interest:

Page 29 clearly places your annual health budget at 5k or 10k in a given year, and if you read the end of page 28 you'll see that this totally excludes &quotreventative items".

Pages 30-32 lay out who is going to be in charge of basically deciding what procedures get paid for and what doesn't. Do you notice how many people are proposed to be handpicked by the president himself? 17 out of 27 total board members! Handpicked by the president! Why should one man have so much influence over America's health? That's just too much power for one man.

Just by reading those bits alone, it is entirely plausible under such a system for you to be told to take pain pills instead of getting surgery to correct a chronic problem, if that problem was deemed "non essential". This is NO stretch of the imagination. If you look at the health coverage our government already supplies, you will find such absurd scenarios are commonplace.

Page 57, section 1173A

Pay close attention to paragraph 2, subsections D and E. Do you read that? Are you freakin reading that? They want to enable, real-time, the ability to determine your financial responsibility. Wait, what??

Now jump to page 59, paragraph 4, subsection (C): "enable electronic funds transfers, in order to allow automated reconciliation with the related health care payment and remittance advice;"

So they want to determine, on the spot, how much you owe them and take it from you automatically. Realtime. Your consent isn't required. It's up to THEM.

It's right there, and that's just in the first 60 pages or so. I assure, the whole thing is pretty friggin scary. And our legislature is trying to rush this through before they've even gone through it themselves!! It's unbelievable.

1,455 posts

You know what I noticed (after it FINALLY saved into Word)? After shrinking it down to standard 1-inch margins, standard 12-size font, and Times New Roman (my personal favorite text), the bill is already 682 pages.

Psychologically, this unnecessary sizing of the document makes the bill appear longer and intimidates the readers to think they are reading more than they actually are.

I don't remember what it was called, but there was a math test given, with the exact same 100 problems, but one was on 50 pages, and one was on 2. People couldn't even finished the 50 page test, let alone pass it, while people did perfectly fine on the 2 page test. This has a psychological significance here, and this might explain why some readers might not know what they're getting. But I intend to shrink it down to size and then read it with undivided attention.

And thanks again for the actual bill.

144 posts

Psychologically, this unnecessary sizing of the document makes the bill appear longer and intimidates the readers to think they are reading more than they actually are.

Plus the wording is vague, and relevant sections that are tied together are spread across sections and pages.

Honestly between this and how Obama handled the recession as well, it is my inclination to conclude that he and the people he work with hate America, and that war is currently being waged on our country from the inside out.

By the way, cool article from the CEO of Whole Foods I just read! He alienated a lot of his naive hippy customers with this one, but he hit the nail on the head in the process. Good read!
1,455 posts

I'm going to spend tomorrow putting it in actual paragraph form so I can show people and they won't run away. I've already got it down to 615 pages.

In case you're wondering, I'm a bit of a grammar nut, so I like to format it to the right page margins and stuff. I'm very ashamed to find that the word "is" is worthy of an entire line. I'm even finding grammatical errors.

Since America's also trying to look for jobs, I think we can find at least one: somebody needs to edit this bill.

Oh, and interesting read on John Mackey's tips. The best part is that it's actually put into regular sentence structure.

I'm going to bed, so see you later.

144 posts

The best part is that it's actually put into regular sentence structure.

Haha, that's the difference between a man who takes money for what he has already accomplished and a man who takes money for promising to accomplish, well, something or other. =P Sleep well, and work hard civil servant!! I'm cheering for you LOL
874 posts

I really don't want the government involved with my health. And the plan is stupid. We can't afford it, and Obama is too proud to admit that it is NOT what America needs right now. (Neither is he)

8,051 posts

*reading past 3 pages* ...yay for literacy

Insurance companies are a allowed to dictate the kind care people recieve.

insurance agencies are allowed to dictate what care they pay for. you can choose out of your own pocket if insurance doesn't cover it. apparently it appears if you cost too much, govt. will pull your plug.

approval ratings slipping?
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