ForumsWEPRJust wondering. . .

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5,579 posts

Why many (Most, maybe some, I don't know.) liberals are being extremely intolerant towards conservatives, even going so far as to bash them. As far as I know, this is against one of their most dear ideologies, which is tolerance. I'm not bashing anyone (Although I could see several people on here doing so if they wrote this), I'm just trying to figure this out. Any reasons why?

Just a note: I see this far more commonly is liberals than conservatives, but then again, most people on here are liberals, as well as in my own personal life.

  • 41 Replies
887 posts

I'm not conservative or liberal, so I can't give an opinion.

You can, your a nuetral observer if you know whats going on.
276 posts

Hmmm....I don't usually get into it on these boards because...I just don't. It gets me infuriated and yeah...I just don't. But in this case I will. Liberals are more outspoken than conservatives. It's not our fault we aren't as crazy as some of the left wingers. I don't see what the big deal about Former President George Bush is, he kept our country safe and from what we know didn't go running around with women, cause our country to be in double digit unemployment, or nearly double the debt of the nation in a matter of months. Let me remind people what party is responsible for that. Republicans and right wingers don't go crazy saying that Former President Clinton ran around with different women and was impeached. Sure, most people want to believe that their opinion is right, but then again you have to look at other places and study what has happened in the past to see if you are truly right. And rather than be intolerant, you need to look further and respect the ideologies of others around you. Thank god for democracy because right now the way it is going, we won't be able to speak out against the administration that is currently in office. Any of you who say that right wingers are just as intolerant as left wingers need to look at evidence. Our current administration tried to make a law that made successful news personnalities who are conservative not be able to easily express their views. Now I would like to ask everyone who has been to history class who this reminds you of. Because to me, after all the times I have studied history is sure as heck sounds to me like Great Britain and how they would tax the colonists. Speaking of taxes, guess who that sounds like today.

If you knew about the man who is known as Ann coulter then you wouldn't have a problem.

Real mature dude. If people were half as smart as Ann Coulter they would actually know a thing or two rather than walking around listening to everything our media tells them. Also, don't be hypocritical. If we said that Secretary Hillary Clinton looked like a guy because of her looks and the way she dresses you would get mad. But I won't say that because I know that I shouldn't stoop to your lowly level even though it is the tactics used by the far left. Sure people may do that all the time, but at least try to have some dignity and don't say that just because it makes you feel all giddy, warm, and fuzzy inside. Please.
310 posts

I don't see what the big deal about Former President George Bush is, he kept our country safe and from what we know didn't go running around with women, cause our country to be in double digit unemployment, or nearly double the debt of the nation in a matter of months.

I will only point out the fact that the economic slump we are currently in began during the previous administration.

Maybe I wasn't paying as much attention then but in the first year of George W. Bush's presidancy I don't recall hearing nearly as much bash of the administration as I have heard in the first 7 months of Obama's. I'll admit that there was the initial up roar about the election results but that quieted after a little while. Perhaps I didn't hear much because I have always been inclined toward news that doesn't bash either side. Now I hear Obama bashing even on news that some would call liberal because they share everyones opinion. I also recall lots of people being called "unpatriotic" for not supporting Bush. Unfortunately it's hard to find striaght facts without bias.

I'm saying that I've seen what Ann Coulter looks like, and she doesn't look like a man to me. So I'm assuming that we see only what we want to see in these political figures; albeit, that's not the best insult because, like you said, what does feminine look like? I was just using it to show what it sounded like.

I totally understand, I just couldn't resist expressing my thoughts on that.

I do my best to remain unbiased but it's not always easy to do. Some people might say I'm liberal but I've also had liberals tell me I'm too conservative. So I really don't know what I am. I just know that the media only seems to see the extreme ends, they push people to the right or the left and say "You think this way, so you go here." Most people I know are only just a foot or two to the right or left of center while media is miles to the right or miles to the left.
1,455 posts

I do my best to remain unbiased but it's not always easy to do. Some people might say I'm liberal but I've also had liberals tell me I'm too conservative.

I know what you mean. No matter what, if someone is more left of me, they appear liberal. If they are more right, they appear conservative. But you're probably pretty center in reality. Of course, it'd be hard for me to give perspective on that because I'm conservative, but you're definitely not an extremest.
Most people I know are only just a foot or two to the right or left of center while media is miles to the right or miles to the left.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
5,579 posts

I will only point out the fact that the economic slump we are currently in began during the previous administration.

No offense but that is starting to get really annoying. He didn't have anything to do with the recession. That's the beauty of the capitalistic trade. No government influences.

Sorry I just had to point that out.

Some people might say I'm liberal but I've also had liberals tell me I'm too conservative. So I really don't know what I am. I just know that the media only seems to see the extreme ends, they push people to the right or the left and say "You think this way, so you go here." Most people I know are only just a foot or two to the right or left of center while media is miles to the right or miles to the left.

You believe what you want to believe, and classify yourself. If you want to be liberal, be liberal. Conservative, be conservative. My take is it doesn't really matter what people think of you, just what you think of yourself.

Which is why I hate the media -.-

My philosophical rant is over now.
4,206 posts

Well i think conservatives are basing some of they ideas religiously, and i don't really like any of them, but i think liberals are still a bit better....

5,579 posts

Well, my question isn't really how much or less but why. Why do they go to often extremes (including many people in my personal life) and bash conservatives and people that don't agree with them, when half of their base is on tolerance. It confuses me.

310 posts

No offense but that is starting to get really annoying. He didn't have anything to do with the recession. That's the beauty of the capitalistic trade. No government influences.

Oh I know that Bush was not resposible for the recession. But the government does have an influence even if it's not a direct one. The actions taken by an administration affect the social (not sure that's the correct word) climate of the nation. How people feel affects the way they spend money. If people are worried about the future they are more likely to close their wallets. When people feel confident about the direction the country is headed their more likely to splurge. How people feel has a lot to do with opinion. Anyway it's not really important because the fact is that no one person is to blame for the current situation.

You believe what you want to believe, and classify yourself. If you want to be liberal, be liberal. Conservative, be conservative. My take is it doesn't really matter what people think of you, just what you think of yourself.

I only point out what people have told me because I don't consider myself either. The term conservative and liberal seem to be thrown around like curse words by both sides.

I know what you mean. No matter what, if someone is more left of me, they appear liberal. If they are more right, they appear conservative. But you're probably pretty center in reality. Of course, it'd be hard for me to give perspective on that because I'm conservative, but you're definitely not an extremest.

Thank you Big. That feels like one of the greatest compliments I've had for awhile. Even if it wasn't intended as one.
1,455 posts

Thank you Big. That feels like one of the greatest compliments I've had for awhile. Even if it wasn't intended as one.

It was, and your welcome.
144 posts

He didn't have anything to do with the recession. That's the beauty of the capitalistic trade. No government influences.

It's more accurate to say the Bush Administration is responsible for the recession - or at least, for it getting as bad as it did. It's actually been in the works since the 70's and to anyone paying attention it came as no surprise.

But come on, the man fought a war "off the books" while cutting taxes. You don't do that.
310 posts

It's more accurate to say the Bush Administration is responsible for the recession - or at least, for it getting as bad as it did. It's actually been in the works since the 70's and to anyone paying attention it came as no surprise.
But come on, the man fought a war "off the books" while cutting taxes. You don't do that.

The Bush Admin. also didn't acknowledge that the U.S. was in a recession until almost the end of his term. So while it's still not George W.'s personal and indiviual fault his administration didn't do much to help the situation.

But yeah I feel I've managed to lead this off topic and very close to bashing territory so back to the point....
Both sides of the political spectrum do their fair share of bashing. I think who people think is getting bashed more depends a lot on personal political perspective.
310 posts

I forgot to throw in my thoughts on the ultimate question of why liberals often seem intolerant toward conservatives when one of their prime ideologies is tolerance. When it comes down to it, it's all based in opinion and people (not just liberals) tend to be intolerant their opinions. I guess what I mean is that people don't like to be told that their opinions are wrong. No ones opinions are really wrong anyway, because they are just that: opinions. Opinions are always right to the person who holds them, because they are based on what a person believes, feels and thinks.
I guess I find myself thinking of 7th grade social studies. We had this whole unit about facts and opinions and generalizations and that sort of thing. What I took away from that unit was the thought that opinions are both always right and always wrong. I'll give the best example I can come up with at 3:30 in the morning.
Fact: The grass is green. Opinion: The grass is pretty.
I know it's not the greatest example ever but it expresses the concept I'm trying to get across. It can be verified that the grass is green (aslong as one is not color blind for anyone who is sorry I couldn't think of anything else at the moment). It cannot however be proven that the grass is pretty, some might agree that it is, some might think "eh, it's just grass", and some might think it's ugly. Anyway I hope that I have made my thoughts clear.

Time for bed. Sorry about the double.

950 posts

Historically Right wingers are the ones who bash leftists; leftists are more in the way of targeting the system instead of just bashing conservatives.

Just look at Mark Levin and compare him to Brian Moore. One is a proud conservative who uses the term "Liberal Morons" and the other is a far left-field politician that just wants free health care and such, but never makes wise cracks about conservatives.

383 posts

Ha! Look at Winston Churchill he's been bashing Liberals as long as a turtle crossing the Volga River.

5,579 posts

My question isn't whether or not either side bashes (as I've said multiple times), but why liberals go against one of their most dearly held tenants by bashing everyone that's against them.

LadyTurtleToes is the only one who gave me the answer I was looking for, and now I want some more answers please.

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