Why many (Most, maybe some, I don't know.) liberals are being extremely intolerant towards conservatives, even going so far as to bash them. As far as I know, this is against one of their most dear ideologies, which is tolerance. I'm not bashing anyone (Although I could see several people on here doing so if they wrote this), I'm just trying to figure this out. Any reasons why?
Just a note: I see this far more commonly is liberals than conservatives, but then again, most people on here are liberals, as well as in my own personal life.
If you're looking for an exact answer then you already no what it is. Conservatives have always been the ones who bash their opponents. Liberals target the power.
Conservatives bash people and they will continue bashing they don't want other opinions. Liberals are hypocrites and they say that they support their beliefs as long as they see that the voters like what they say and then they change and say something new. Liberals don't care for nothing, they are populists and demagogues.
Sarah Palin is a really good example of how conservatives try blaming everything on "little Starlets" and "socialists" instead of telling people how to fix the problem or telling the people what conservatives want in good detail.
LadyTurtleToes is the only one who gave me the answer I was looking for, and now I want some more answers please.
As much as it makes me happy to know that I answered the really question when no one else really has, I have to agree with TSL3_needed. The question isn't who bashes who more. It's why do some liberals bash on conserative when they support tolerance? Not all liberals do but some do. It's more a question of how liberals can feel alright bashing on conservatives when it goes against one of their most closely held beliefs. I want to know why this is too, so come on people focus your minds on the idea of a group of people doing something that goes against their prime ideology.
The question isn't who bashes who more. It's why do some liberals bash on conserative when they support tolerance?
I'm conservative, but I'll give it a shot.
I think liberals would bash conservatives simply because that's how politics work. I don't think it matters what your ideals are, because first and foremost is winning (for the politicians, not the people). And bashing is an effective way to win, even if it violates the tolerance ideal. It could be viewed as hypocrtical, but I don't think liberals notice it or care, because like I said, it's politics.
As I do usually I will quote somebody, I think that this helps you: "A liberal is a man who will give away everything he doesn't own." Frank Dane My opinion is that liberal=hypocrite.
Sarah Palin is a really good example of how conservatives try blaming everything on "little Starlets" and "socialists" instead of telling people how to fix the problem or telling the people what conservatives want in good detail.
Agreed. Good point- but I see more people doing anti-reds (anti-Communists and Socialists) than anti-capitalism. If someone could think of an answer inseteed of thinking how and how to blame others. Conversationals are the ones who bash more than Liberals, we used to think of a solution, but know is basicly a corrupted government here. Around 50%. won't last much longer, there are- I got to go I'll finnish later.
Conversationals are the ones who bash more than Liberals
We probably all do a pretty equal amount of bashing. We see only what we want to see. As a conservative, I see liberals bashing more than conservatives. As a liberal, one would see conservatives bashing more than liberals. See what I mean?
think liberals would bash conservatives simply because that's how politics work. I don't think it matters what your ideals are, because first and foremost is winning (for the politicians, not the people). And bashing is an effective way to win, even if it violates the tolerance ideal. It could be viewed as hypocrtical, but I don't think liberals notice it or care, because like I said, it's politics.
I think you pretty much hit the mark there. I think both sides tend to fall to bashing when people can't think of any more intelligent ways to support their opinions. I think liberal bashing also sometimes stems from the fact that they feel that conservatives are intolerant towards them, thus they lose some tolerance. If that makes any sense.
I think liberal bashing also sometimes stems from the fact that they feel that conservatives are intolerant towards them, thus they lose some tolerance. If that makes any sense.
Exactly. I doubt we could go back to a time where there's no bashing, because both sides have become to accustomed to it. Both sides feel the other bashes too much and they need to even it out, so I don't think anyone is ready to stop. Oh well, that's life.