I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
wow would u look at that megamickel everyone agrees with me
guess u never watch cnn cause they reported on everything i just said and i have video proff from numerous t.v. shows to back my claims up so guess what i win
Who knows. Still, I don't see what he's done to make him so incredible to Megamickle. He's causeda Human Catastrophy, gotten Rid of Saddam for apparently a small reason, and the stupid war he's decided to bring out was brought out like crap.
NO FUN IN THAT MAN! have never once heard him cracka joke, either. :P
You people are fucking morons. Read ANYTHING, listen to ANYONE but your stupid friends who tell you "OH BUSH SUCKS LOL", and you'll see past the lies of the liberal media. What the hell is wrong with you people? You'd attack our leader, the leader of our country? Those of you who ARE American... no. None of you have the right to call yourselves Americans. You do not understand AT ALL what it means to be an American. Our country was founded on democracy, yes. And the system works. Bush was elected under the Constitution, which has been in place for over 200 years. As such, he has the legal right to use his power however he sees fit within the Constitutional limits. Even if you don't agree with everything he's done - and don't get me wrong, I don't! - you STILL must show respect for the office. You hippies are the cancer that is killing America.
You're barking up the wrong tree Mega. Most posts are better off being ignored, they aren't thoughtful at all. But some people do have minds, and they use them to choose what to think.
I said before, I don't think showing respect for the office means you should patronize it by agreeing with everything it does; That's not patriotism, that's appeasement, that's complacency. If anything, it is vital to the operation of the highest government offices that the people's opinion be heard, no matter how contrary it may be.
I think the cancer you speak of is ignorance, and it festers on both sides of the political spectrum, not only among "hippies" (way to flame on that one). So rather than scold and reprimand the goons who post one liners, it would be prudent to express your distaste with the same tact you use elsewhere in the forum.
mega how many facts do we need to bring up before you agree we have good points. You act like bush is the savor of amercia and the fact of the matter is we are better of without him. I dont care if you dont want to admit it to urself but the rest of us now its true. ITs people like you that are destroying america not open to change. Not willing to challenge leadership you just follow like a sheep in a pen. We challenge our leader because we want a better one for our country. SO BEFORE YOU GO CALLING UN-AMERICANS maybe you should realize that ur in a world that needs fixing so get over it and grow up