I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
thats a really generic look at her polices but whatever. does that sounds good to u i mean im voting for obama. if u can vote who are u voting for if u cant who would u vote for
opentotruth. wow who's truth are you open too? the one that the liberal media is shoving down your throat? become a human being and stop being a mindless zombie. we didn't go into iraq because we thought that they attacked us. we went into iraq and afghanistan because that is where most of al-quieda and the taliban are. wow, that's wierd we start a war on terrorism and then we hunt down terrorists, what an unusual concept.
it's really hard to say who i would vote for because there really wasn't anyone who didn't have some crazy, wierd past. if i could mix some people together it would be this. rudy gulianni's foriegn policy, mit romney's financial knowledge, obamas public relation and speech giving ability, and i wish that joe lieberman would voice his opinions more.
You are that egotistical as to believe yourself to be above contestation? Grow up! And I thought I was bullheaded. Your views are open to question just like anyone else's who posts on a public forum. What you're basically saying is "I'm right and you're wrong even though I have NO EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT MY CLAIMS and refuse to take 10 minutes to gather some." You wonder why people hate liberals...
Careful. I'm not trying to start a flame war, let him retaliate with intelligent debate if he's capable, and your comment might infuriate him, causing him to resort to BAWWWWWWWing like liberals typically do when they're challenged.
wow xFACERIPx, you're a mccain supporter? ... shame on you
at this point i don't see why people are not excited about Obama running for president. all of his ideas would help america get out of the pit it has dug itself into by putting a certain someone in office. and then putting him there again.
here's my relatively brief synopsis of bush: he got into office in a fluke that though more americans voted for Al Gore (who would've been a much better president), the electoral college made bush get elected. he and his simple mind needed to make americans think he knew what he was doing, so he passed a bunch of stupid policies etc, mainly the war
Obama will help fix these things, for one, revoking the no child left behind act. How stupid is it that if a teacher receives students who are below their grade level and teaches them more than a year's worth of material, yet not getting them up to standard, is considered to be doing a bad job? They're doing a great job! secondly, he will help fix the economy by giving tax breaks to companies that keep jobs in america, instead of following the ever-so-popular trend of exporting them to china, who, by the way, is going to rise up and be the largest power in the world if we keep giving all our money to them. and plus, bad policy won't be enacted because he isn't going to be going on those fancy lobbyist vacations!
Supporting ANY of the candidates is shameworthy. They're ALL already government officials and therefore are ALL corrupt. There is NO EXCEPTION. ALL GOVERNMENT MEMBERS ARE CORRUPT. We need someone who's not in politics... someone like you or me, who only wants what's best for America as a nation, and only has the self interest of being a part of a better America.