I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
No, you've done exactly what I've done - you've attacked someone with no prior evidence. Of course, my attacks were due to the fact that you HAVE no evidence to support your claims. If you would spend half of the energy that you've spent arguing with me on finding sources to back up your arguments then I wouldn't be insulting you, I'd be attacking your argument. That's the way a debate is supposed to work, but you obviously lack the facilities to understand that.
I think ignorance is killing the country, idiots don't know what wrongs America has done, and what things should be changed.
Anyway, Mega, Can you explain to my why CNN and all these other news sites have given PROOF of George Bush's lies? If he can lie about General Confirmation, Lie about Nuclear warheads AFTER he knows they exist, and lie about why he captured Saddam in the first place is PATHETIC
To make it worse, I say he lost. Sadly, Gore was being rather stupid by only asking for revote in different counties, when he had the permission to recount the state, he should have, instead of fighting it down with the Courts. I dunno, since, he woulda won. Anyway, That other weird "Super Liberal Independent" guy came in the way taking 2% of Gores vote. He's running again, you know.
But again, you fail to cite the sources for your arguments. The fact that Bush lies would make him different from any other politician how...? Truth be told, the president really doesn't matter, and our vote doesn't count towards the president. But that's beside the point. What really matters is the local stuff... that's what affects your day-to-day life more than anything.
You're right in a way, Mega, Bush has done some good things, which I see you found on the "residency of G.W. Bush" article at Wikipedia; but there are just as many bad policies and positions, many of which are concentrated in the reference section of the "Criticism of G.W. Bush" article on Wiki. Seems like you could argue that the policies you laud him for are the same ones he is derided for, on both sides of the political spectrum. And yet both sources come from Wiki!
So to present an argument from either side has its share of bias, depending on who you ask, where you look. You mention Greenspan in your section, and in his book he is reported to have said that Bush "swapped principle for power" in regards to economic policy, while Clinton had "a consistent, disciplined focus on long-term economic growth [which] became a hallmark of his presidency", Which is a direct contradiction to a comment in your post...
All sources aside, if you wanted to present an argument for or in favor of this presidency, you could call on any number of policies and directives and claim that they support either side; it really ends up being a matter of opinion. It just so happens we don't share the same one.
CNN, buddy. Site Sourced, to bad they don't do repeats. xP
The fact that he lies doesn't make him different. The fact is he's lying ALOT to get his own way with the people who are getting false news in about all we hear. Now, tell me, does that make ANY sence to you? It is the president, he's the Cheif, and, with the influence he has he could do what deh people want. The people are suffering, buddy.
The Local stuff that he's made may be good on your veiws or everyones, but as I said before every president makes polocies. I believe things that affect the country end up affecting your day-to-day life, so, If we have a war running on and a crappy economy running, I expect the man I vote for to do something about it, Or... at least try and the polocies you mentioned had nothing to do with the real crisis we're having. I'm glad my family moved 2 years ago, if we had moved now, it'd probably have sold 30% less. Whipee...
Also, Could you PLEASE tell me how Clinton set the economy up for ruins after his presidency? I really can't even find that on the net.
That's just personal speculation, that's not source. I still haven't finished my thesis on that... it's in my pile of half-written papers and books somewhere. I'll get back to you on that.
Anyways, if it's "common knowledge", just link to an online news post that has the information you're speaking of.
I'd love to search CNN's articles until I find something related to what they said, but that would take alotta time, and to be honest, I don't have that. Also, am eating a burger. ^^
Anyway, what do you mean by personal speculation? I know what the words mean, I just don't know where that is in my post. Just because I didn't give you some cruddy link doesn't mean it isn't true. :S
I was referring to my comment about Clinton setting up the economy to fail in the long run.
Oh, I'm not saying what you're saying isn't true. I don't believe it to be true... and I can't be arsed to spend my time trying to find the proof for someone else's arguement.