I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
I'd pick Bush any day. Bloody liberals RUIN the military. Without a strong military, we might as well kill ourselves and save the terrorists and opposing nations the trouble.
I hate liberals as much as you do. I love the military, and am a Democrat. The only thing I don't like about militarys is if they fall into the right hands, were ending up turning into the terrorists.
What a fun thought.
So, I don't like the liberal veiw of hate on military, but that doesn't mean all democratish veiws are wrong.
Anyway, At least Clinton didn't lead us into a needless war. In most wars, the people have made the decision of whether if it should be made or not. The vietnam war and the war on terrorism were made by presidents, neither have or are turning out very well.
bush is a well i cant really say that on here without getting in trouble. as ive said before im a barrack obama supporter and also im a independent. anyone at this point would be better than bush to lead us out of a war that we should have never been in the first place
armed blade, of course congress would pick clinton. they are controlled by commi democrats. and clipmaster3, "bush is an idiot....'nuff said" wow what a horrible argument. i bet you cannot name 3 policies of obamas.
Saying we shouldn't have gone into Iraq is like saying we shouldn't have gone into Vietnam - the fact that we should have gone in isn't why it ended badly. It's the way we went in. In this case, I place the full blame on Clinton for slashing the military. Tbh, 80% of federal government spending should be on military. The rest should be the salaries of officials. "What about the FBI and CIA?" you say? Integrate them into the military. The rest of government organizations are usually unnecessary - only leave the ones that inspect products the main parts of the 3 branches (President, congress, and courts). And CUT OUT THE BONUSES THAT CONGRESS GETS. They make WAY too much money and get WAY too many perks. Were you aware that when a congressman leaves office, no matter how he leaves, he gets a $125K retirement bonus EVERY YEAR? Not to mention while they're in office, they're not held accountable for any misdemeanors they commit, and... well, the list is so long I'm not going to get into it. But congress is corrupt, which is why I don't support ANY of the current presidential candidates - ALL CONGRESSMEN ARE CORRUPT. The reason I'll vote for McCain is because he's a strong opponent of pork barrel legislation and has never taken any himself - which is one of the big problems of congress.
hmm lets compare. vietnam-war to help south korea from being taken over. Iraq- we thought they attacked us but it could have been another country and well we tried afgahastan as we missed we were shooting again.
opentotruth, yes i do. she wants to raise taxes, allow illegal immagrants to come to our country and take our jobs, and give up on the war against terrorism.