ForumsWEPRWhat do you think of George Bush

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83 posts

I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.

  • 368 Replies
729 posts

Bush is not a good president for sure, if you drive a car, did you notice oil prices rising? thats because of Bush.
what about the war in Iraq?bush says there are mass weapons of destruction, which he originally gave to them.(stupid choice)
Other countries say he was more dangerous than Osama Bin Ladin. And don't forget that bush once said "i want a strong dollar" by strong he meant higher value, what has the value done since he was in office? dropped
Lets talk about our national debt, all the presidents combined vs. last three presidents, who spent more? those last three, of the three guess who spent the most? Bush
But what is funny about this is that comedy central has made a show called lil' bush, which is actually really funny for a cartoon.
Bush says lies, don't believe him, look past those lies. I may not be that old but my Dad knows a lot about polotics and shows and teaches me about it.
Talking about polotics, what about chainy:
1. don't go hunting with him
2. Other stocks are moving down while his companie's stocks have tripled in value.

Bush supporters, think, what good has Bush done for you?

1,482 posts

Yeah, Bush's in it for the oil. He wants another millions of dollar contract for him and his daddy, I'm guessing. [His dad made a crapload of cash from the last Gulf war, you know.]

Bush has a 25% Approval rating in congress. You wonder why.

ON the other hand, Bill Clinton had a 65% Approval rating and left with 5 Trillion dollars surplus.

Bush has killed that 5 Trillion Dollar Surplus.

729 posts

And if the war between Iraq gets dangerous enough then the U.S. will go into national emergency and Bush will be in office for another 4 years!!!

Imagine the money spent in Iraq, what if it where spent on things like the cure to cancer, or ending world hunger, or supporting kids and adults in 3rd world countries?imagine that?

1,482 posts

Yeah, Near 600 Billion Dollar spent, they say 300 Billion more to go [If a democratic candidate comes along]

What would you do with almost a TRILLION dollars? I mean, all that money could have pluffed us out of debt, made jobs for people, went out as support, SO many other things.

902 posts

Alright, time for me to turn this thread into a flame war, since you guys are going to attack me without any real facts, just random BS that the media makes up to divide the country. This is all been a Bush bashing and I'm sick and fucking tired of it. I'm tired of your relentless and groundless attack, and now begins my retaliation.
George W. Bush has done a lot of great things for this country. Things that many other leaders wouldn't be capable of doing. No, he's not the best president ever, but in my opinion, that was FDR. Everyone's got their own opinion on that matter. As far as the economic problems this country is having right now, much of that can be attributed to the state in which Bill Clinton left the office. He set the economy up to fail after he left office. What he did looked good in the short-term, but in the long term, he was killing the economy. Facing opposition in the Congress, Bush held town hall-style public meetings across the U.S. in 2001 to increase public support for his plan for a US$1.35 trillion tax cut program â" one of the largest tax cuts in U.S. history. Bush and his economic advisers argued that unspent government funds should be returned to taxpayers. With reports of the threat of recession from Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, Bush argued that such a tax cut would stimulate the economy and create jobs. source There is also evidence to suggest that Bush's economic policies, while they have been the biggest help to the richest Americans, have benefited Americans of all income ranges. Source And let us not forget the No Child Left Behind Act, which, while it didn't immediately force changes, it did bring attention to the matter, which brought the changes it was intended to bring. It has helped to improve test scores and to improve the general quality of education in many schools around the country. Source And let's not forget the capture of the dictator Saddam Hussein, a great military feat that must not be overlooked. He helped to rally the country together after the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01. During his 2008 State of the Union Address Bush announced that the U.S. would commit US$2 billion over the next three years towards a new international fund to promote clean energy technologies and fight climate change. He declared that; "along with contributions from other countries, this fund will increase and accelerate the deployment of all forms of cleaner, more efficient technologies in developing nations like India and China, and help leverage substantial private-sector capital by making clean energy projects more financially attractive."

During the speech, Bush announced plans to reaffirm the United States' commitment to work with major economies and through the United Nations to complete an international agreement that will slow, stop, and eventually reverse the growth of greenhouse gases. He stated that; "this agreement will be effective only if it includes commitments by every major economy and gives none a free ride." Source. Clearly, Bush is not the big bad guy that the media and most young people make him out to be. Bush has done a lot for the country, more than you know. The information is all there, it's just overshadowed by the critics.

729 posts

Bush is not a good president, no matter how hard you try, the majority of the United States says so too, only Bush can prove us wrong, which i doubt will happen. He has doubled America's national debt spending money on the war in Iraq he started for no good reason.
You believe anything good about him they say, you hve to look at the bad parts of a person too.

902 posts

Okay then, you go and cite sources PROVING some of the bad things he's done, instead of just making attacks that aren't backed up by anything other than your own speculation.

729 posts

from what you say in your profile, it seems you haven't gotten a good education, California on the other hand has much higher standards, getting you a better education. And don't forget, anyone can publish anything on the internet and there is alwas the fact that it always isn't true.

729 posts

Yuo know what, i am tired of you trying to prove your point. I am quiting on this thread, you are too ignorant for me to argue with. Sometimes it's right to quit when people think they are right but they are wrong. And i am not responding to this to let you know.

902 posts

What? So what you've basically done in your last two posts is insult me because of my birthplace and then throw in the towel because you don't have the will to actually do any research to BACK UP your attacks?

729 posts

No, i am saying that you COULD get a better education and i do have the research, but why just keep arguing, i can get the reasearch i can prove you wrong tons of others can, so yes i am throwing in the towel if you will shut up on this thread.

902 posts

If you have the research, then by all means, post it. Otherwise you're only continuing on making groundless attacks. I spent over an hour collecting information and typing up that post.
And this:
from what you say in your profile, it seems you haven't gotten a good education, sounds like an insult to me. What you obviously don't know is that the Texas education system is actually above the standards of a lot of states. If you'd done the so-called research you say you've done then you'd know that. But go ahead. Prove everything I've said wrong. I invite you to do so, if you can.

729 posts

I agree with eddie13, you make a much stronger point to something we all (SHOULD) know about.

902 posts

^Most people would disagree that we should just &quotull out the troops". Yes, we must set a date to pull out so the Iraqis know that we will not be there forever, that this is THEIR nation, but we also must stabilize the region or else democracy can never take hold.

729 posts

ok, what you say this time is more clear to me, we should pul out the troops, it is their nation, but if we had a reason to keep them in that would be 9/11

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