ForumsWEPRWhat do you think of George Bush

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83 posts

I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.

  • 368 Replies
143 posts

i will go away because you can't change my mind about what i think of George bush

ooooo you just got pwned

1,482 posts

Back to Mac-Topic.

Megamickel, Bill Clinton made 22Million Jobs, leaving the country with 5 Trill. Surplus. Therefor, after he left, we had 22Million Jobs booming our economy. Also, you can't say he did a short-term economy tricks because 8 Years in my opinion is rather long. Bush has been sending jobs away with Free Trade Agreements. So he's basically countered his great help of everyone in all income ranges. I say someone with a bad job paying just a bit more is alot better than a jobless man.

Also, I do suppose the capturing of Sadam Hussein was okay, but starting a war in a country inwhich the troops don't know what to do, don't have a battle plan, are undereqquiped and under powered is a waste of OUR money. Because then America has to pay for the unneeded wounded soldiers that now live the rest of their life getting cash each months. [Not that they shouldn't, but they got better in the Army]. We have unneeded deaths. Alot of Soldiers have died by passing an innocent looking man on the street and that man shoots and runs. Thats no way to storm a city, and thats exactly what their doing. Therefor, if Bill Clinton even DID leave the economy to die after him, Bush's only making it worse. Now we have Billions off to a useless war.

Onwards, the Tax Cut helps, but it was too large of a Tax Cut in my opinion. The Government is going underfunded. I essentially like the hit the rich more with Taxes. They won't go under economic stress, and the government'll be happy.

Also, some stimulation the tax cuts did to our economy. -Cough-

The only thing I rather do like about him is the No Child Left Behind Act.

Besides all of that, no, I don't like him. [I've stated why, too. >.>]

80 posts

ok i kind of though of the iraq war to go against al- queida was not too much but kind of good idea but george bush is excessively using mny on troops 3 million dollards spent on the war in some countries it may be wat supports that country for 5 years the iraq war was on and about nothing happened, mayb a lil less violence but nothiong, nada nechevyoo i think hes retarted there could b better presidents and - i hope dennis kucinich runs again and wins the nomination

902 posts

^And that's something that I can debate. If this entire thread was like this, I wouldn't have any problems.

I'm really, really too tired to actually fight your first two points, but in response to your last point - let's just cut out a good percentage of the government. A lot of the government is simply beaurocracy that doesn't actually do anything. On top of that, the government tries too hard to regulate things that they should keep their hands off - trade being one. Look at Hong Kong for an example on that.

902 posts

That last post was directed at Blade. Not Partayy. "i think hes retarted" is blatant media biased crap and only goes to prove how little you know about the topic here.

1,482 posts

Lol, Yeah, Bush really isnt' retarded. Usually, the people that say that don't realize what an accomplished man he is. [Or that Bush could probably run a government way better than they could]

Still, I dun like what he's done. Also, The fat lazy part of the Gov. is something he should have made active. If he won't, I think, it'll be too hard to run the Gov. [And the fact that Congress has gotten DRAMATICALLY slow over the years may have something with it]

1,702 posts

Not a good man

1,482 posts

Don't call him a bad man, The president is someone you should respect even if they weren't good enough to lead the country to a better future. Doesn't make him an evil guy trying to tear America apart. I just think that someone else could have been betterer.

902 posts

Well... Out of the choices we had during the elections, I'd choose Bush both times again. I do not like the idea of putting the country in the hands of a democrat at ANY time, ESPECIALLY during wartime. They'd cut the military (meaning my future may be hurt if I go the route I'd like to) and take away our second amendment right, which is very important to me. We MUST be allowed to arm ourselves, or the government will be far too powerful.

1,482 posts

Megamickel, I doubt that a democratic president for one even COULD take away the second amendment or would try to. They would have a bunch of "illeagle ex-weapon bearers" standing infronta the white house.

Also, I think Choosing Bush both times would have stunk. Also, Now I'm pretty sure John McCain is out of Generals. Somehow, I have a feeling that Obama and Hillary are just more popular. Anyway, besides that, I don't think they would cut the military now, seeing as the militaries already short. Cause and effect. Also, the U.S. spends more defensive budget than every country combined. I'm sure it can notch it down, a tad bit without hurting anyones future. Specially since were low on soldiers.

Also, Would you choose bush again? Because John McCain is pretty close to him.

902 posts

Yes. I will be voting for John McCain in the election this fall. Could it be a losing cause? Maybe. But I do NOT want a democrat in office.

1,482 posts

I can't vote yet, still a bit to go. >.>
So, I can't really say my speaking will counteract your vote in the fall, can I? xP

But, why DONT you want a demmycrat in the office? There not all that bad. [Yes, spelling intended. xP]

Better than a bush. [In my eyes]

902 posts

Because, they want to make the government do more for people. Fuck that. The government needs to tell people to get off their asses. The welfare system is broken, we need to take it out and implement a system that would actually HELP people instead of just giving them money. Government handouts are NOT the way to help people imho.
Granted, I was a medicare baby (and I had serious illnesses, which my mom couldn't have afforded), but my mom was only on medicare for like a month when she had me, then she got a job and started working. But that's just the way we are... I couldn't take money from somebody else.
But back on topic, I don't want a democrat OR republican in office. I don't like any of the candidates (Ron Paul was the one I most agreed with, ESPECIALLY on citizenship not being granted based simply on birth) because they're ALL part of the problem (they're all already senators). We need someone in office who hasn't already been corrupted by our dirty political system. Someone with fresh ideas who would lead the country towards a better, more glorious state that would assert us as the world's leading superpower.

1,482 posts

Well, I'mma go down your post. xP

I agree with your second line. I don't agree with the first. Its not they want the government to do more FOR the people. They want to make the government to work more with them. Instead of having 1) the people and 2) the enforcers [Government] only, then you have a problem. With market backdrops and other junk your seeing now, they can't fix it.

Also, The Welfare systems BEEN broken, but apparently as long as all the Republican Presidents flying around so far I haven't noticed it changed. The Welfare system [I think] should also work twords helping people making a life for themselves, so they can get OFF of welfare. I'm pretty sure none of the candidates have talked about that, and I don't know where it goes in party lines.

Government handouts are a way to help, For example, a kid thats VERY smart, Top of his class, and doesn't go to colledge because his mommy didn't have the cash. What -- he worked his life off for nothing? You never know, he coulda made something amazing. But saving someone off of giving them cash each month I think is bad, but right now I'm not sure if anyones said anything about it.

Ondwards, I acctually loved John Edwards [Governer], He was also pretty inspiring. I kinda liked Obama, too.

on the republican side, Ron Paul was tight. Apparently, people these days are more politically attracted to famous/ different people for president. [John McCains a warhero, he's already ran]

[Well, The Democrats are different, no doubt]

So, I agree with you on the last part, but these days I have half of a heart to let people who acctually know all about their candidate and not just one issue to vote. I know someone, she's voting for clinton because all she cares about is health care because she's paying too much on it. Thats fine, but seriously, Think more about who you pick not just one subject.

I was split between Obama and Edwards until they left.

But my last thing to say is that you said their ALL senators, hit by the political system. Obama's only been a senator for 2 years, and he's done only good things ever since he was one and was in the legislature. Dunno if he's been "corrupted" yet, hopefully not.

Your last line is something I believe in, too. Since, for a good time now being THE leading superpower hasn't been really true.

10 posts

If Bush didnt go to war than the world would think of us as push overs, and if we pull out then they will attack us worst than ever what going on over there would start happening over here if we pulled out

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