I think that george Bush could possible be the worst president that we have ever had, we are trillions of dollars in debt and we are in a war that appears to have no ending, please tell me what you think.
by "if we had a reason" i mean not just any reason you could make up but one worth troops dying for, like the civil war (just for example because there was a reason for it)
^What you're saying only goes to add to what I stated earlier - under Bush's leadership, we've captured many high-ranking members of Al Quida and frozen millions of dollars in US currency in known terrorist accounts. Much of this would not have been possible had we not invaded Iraq. Would I die for that cause? Damn right. I would die for the cause of any president, any leader of our country. It's just the right thing to do.
It is the right thing to do to pull them out of Iraq but i say that Bush is a bad president because he ISN'T pulling the troops out of Iraq listen-i have never been good at explaining things to others, my brain works a little bit differently, i think in patterns, i didn't even think about that yet until i was tested for the GATE (gifted and talented education) program and i got in the program-i just thought that would help
i would only die for something worth it,i have been anti-war since i knew about war. You may think it is the right thing to do, die for your country for any cause, but i disagree, after all, different people have different opinions
He has cost us trillions of dollars just for the war which i dont think will end soon plus forclosers are at an all time high and the economy is at its worst ever and dont even get started about the gas prices they are totaly outragous
Oh wow, you got into a gifted and talented program? In most states those are horribly maintained. New Mexico's was actually really good (But they got funding through special ed, so they had, like, a bunch of cash.) But the one here... they still have my records in El Paso, even though I told them 3 years ago to get them. Then they said they'd make me retest. Then they forgot. Oh well. I know I'm smarter than most people (And I include your preppy OA types who, yes, are a little smart, but they're just not nearly as smart as me. I'm that kid who doesn't do shit and yet still manages to get an A in the class based only on test scores).
^Back up your statement with cold hard facts or quit posting. I'm open to debate if you guys can actually post something that doesn't appear to just be personal opinion. Cite something to back up your argument or don't try and argue.
I actually think Bush is doing the right thing. The troops he sent to Iraq are there for a reason. We are trying to stop Iraq from destroying themselves. If we leave, Iraq would go straight back to what they used to be. What do you have to say to that? lol