now i know most of you people who arent muslims think we are all terrorrists and yes some of us are but those are just the extreamists. anyway i just wrote this topic for you to say what you think about islam
Islam is just another religon to me i have nothing against it. It has a bad track record with the West at the moment but I'm sure that will clear up and sure some people are terrorist's but look at all the other religions that have maniacs in them for a example the other day a Christan woman over in America killed her baby and ate its brains and that is a true story.
a Christan woman over in America killed her baby and ate its brains and that is a true story.
did she do it for religous reasons?
the islam is a religion like all other religions. i think it is ignorant to judge all followers of a religion according to a small group of extremists. i mean in every religion you will find ignorant intolerant and hateful people. but it does not make the whole religion and all its followers like that.
i know most of you people who arent muslims think we are all terrorrists
In this place, you can be assured that most of us here aren't ignorant.
Islam is another religion. Different from mine but I have nothing against it.
Islam has been pitted against Christianity for centuries. These days due to Islamic extremists, the image of Islam to Westerners is getting worse. Though all must understand that a extremist organization does not make all Muslims zealous terrorists. A Christian extremist blowing a building up does not make all Christians bad. The same goes with Muslims. People differ.
I've been in a lot of muslims countries in my lfie (Marroco, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Jordania and Turkey to be precise.), and this is a great culture. Of course there's some extremists, but there's extremism in a lot of religion, even in Christianism (Mormon and Amish are kind of extremists, even if they're not violents). But Islam is indeed a great religion, and it has a very bad image in many culture, and that's a shame... But, for me it's still another religion, and because I'm an atheist, I don't fully understand it...
Yes, mainly for this,e evn if now it's not in place anymore (only in a few fellowships I think), but it's kind of extremism...
But history of christianism is ful of extremism (Inquisition, St Barthelemy's night slaughter, conquista by the Spanish, etc...), but here's not the thread for this.
Ah yes, the polygamist Mormons. You could call it extremism.
There aren't polygamist Mormons... The polygamists are in no way affiliated with the Mormon Church. And by the way, a Mormon's lifestyle isn't extreme. Yes, we abstain from coffee, tea, smoking, drinking, and addicting substances, but several Christian groups do the same. The is a thread about Islam, not Mormons, please keep it that way.
Islam itself is a religion like all others, it is just uneducated and narrow minded people have a different view. This has even begun to affect other religions in the West as they immediately associate an asain or middle-eastern man as a terrorist, like what happened after 9/11 was that a Sikh was attacked and killed because someone thought he had connections to the terroist's as they both wore a Turban (the sikh as part of his faith). Being a Sikh myself i believe that more people need to be educated about who is who, and that a minority worsen it for the majority. (Sorry for the long post)
I give Islam actually as much credit as any other religion (besides my own, of course), because A: I don't know enough to criticize B: What I do know is that it shares much in common historically with Christianity and Judiasm. Since extremists equal interesting news, they get the attention of the media more than the majority of the believers do.
i believe that more people need to be educated about who is who, and that a minority worsen it for the majority.