now i know most of you people who arent muslims think we are all terrorrists and yes some of us are but those are just the extreamists. anyway i just wrote this topic for you to say what you think about islam
Well, KKK is not a true religious oorganisation, it's more like a lobby, or political group that defends interests of a community (WASP).
Anyway, soldier7, I thought about it yesterday, and wanted to ask you (of course, don't reply to me if it's to dary, or if it's inconvenent, or if you don't want, etc...), what do you think about islamic veil? I mean, not the burka, but just the fact that women have to hide their skin and hairs with a veil in islamic religion?
I just want to point out that those in the West who think that all Muslims are extremists are saddly misinformed or letting fear dicate their lives. I personally don't know very much about Islam but I do know that there are extremists in nearly every group. I don't just mean religious groups either. Anything that invovles a moral, potitical,or religious stand points has extremists. One of the reasons they're called extremists is because when compared with the attitudes of others who share similiar moral, religious, or political stand points their veiws seem extreme.
As a socialist United Statesian, I think we should carefully regulate globalization and let the community make more descisions. After all, it should serve the people rather than greedy capitalists.
well as far as i know i dont think you have to wear a veil it dosent say it in the qu'ran anyway. so i think the veil is optianal. and in some islamic countries like saudia arabia woman hardly have any rites but its not entierly their fault or the kings fault because the woman arent standing up for their rites anyway. but what i cant accpet the oppresion on the shia muslims by the government i know some people dont know whats shia and sunna so i wont go into details
so anyway i think the veil shoudnt be enforced in islam as long as an islamic woman wear a scarf around her head. so i hope that answers your question dunadan
Well, KKK is not a true religious oorganisation, it's more like a lobby, or political group that defends interests of a community (WASP).
Radical terrorists are to Islam as the KKK is to Christianity. -I forget who
what do you think about islamic veil?
I know that's not directed at me but as far as I know that isn't actually part of the Islamic religion. It has something to do with that saint of whatever (I forget his name) and people wanting to be closer to him. Apparently his wives wore veils, so they will have their wives do the same.
I think the veil is called a burkha(spellcheck) and I know it's a law to wear it in places controlled and influenced by Wahabiism. That's a radical sect of Islam that the Taliban is a part of. I think it's a little messed up especially because it's really hot in the Middle East and because it is used to oppress women.
listen here chum im not looking for war all i want is peace and i respect all relegions so if you want war go ahead but one thing is im not going to be in that war im just going to be ashamed that extreamists are ruining the name of islam so if you want war feel free to start it just remember im not going to take part in it
listen here chum im not looking for war all i want is peace and i respect all relegions so if you want war go ahead but one thing is im not going to be in that war im just going to be ashamed that extreamists are ruining the name of islam so if you want war feel free to start it just remember im not going to take part in it
First of all, let me say that the Mormons haven't been polygamist for 200 years. That's got to count for something. I mean, why does everyone label Mormons as polygamists? [offtopic]
Second of all, I think it would be very ignorant to label the followers of the Islamic religion as all evil, just because of their religion. Just because one person in a religion blows something up doesn't mean that everyone else in that religion is the same way. Give them a chance. Heck, how can you blame someone for something that they didn't do?