now i know most of you people who arent muslims think we are all terrorrists and yes some of us are but those are just the extreamists. anyway i just wrote this topic for you to say what you think about islam
sorry for my comment it was inapropriate for this topic but the comment dont explode me bro was also not ment to be in this topic what im trying to say tell what you think about islam in an apropriate and calm way. Dont start getting angry and yes it was a mistake for me being angry. You are probably bored by this comment so i wont talk anymore
Ok listen (or read) people: The image of the Muslim terrorist is an image created by the American government and media.I do not deny the fact there are people who claim they're Muslim and kill lots of innocent people in the name of Djihad. These people are ignorants.In The Coran, it is said that one of the biggest mistakes for a Muslim is to kill another Muslim, or another innocent man (that's what they do)Furthermore, it is even greater mistake to invent new rules and rubbish in Islam (that's what they do). I hope I made myself clear, if not just say it
Islam is a religion like any other, almost every single religion says don't kill other person. But as always the priests try to manipulate the people for their own benefit. Religion means manipulation, so some persons can achieve their goals which are related little or none at all with religion. I personally believe that it would be great if we could chose our religion when we are mature and not as kids. But unfortunately this will never happen we are born members of a religion. That's the reason why (my guess) so many fanatical Christians, Muslims, Jews etc. exist. Islam is misunderstood, the Muslims are persons like any other.