I'm gonna log off after this and answer any grievances regarding my post tomorrow, anyways..
Its come too the attention of many and in terms me, that police officers are starting too abuse their power, be violent towards docile people, tazering/beating people when its uncalled for and acting like if you don't obey them they will arrested for no reason other than that.
The most recent case of police brutality happened earlier today
heres how this event went, a 55 year old grandfather was celebrating his new grandchildren baptism when the police arrived on a noise complaint, the police said they dint turn the music down(witch is unknown but a noise complaint is worth the police asking and maybe a ticket, not what they actually do). After that the police asked the grandfather for his identity, he showed it,and this with the fact that he was drunk in his own backyard (not a crime) they pulled out there tazers. well one after the other they tazered him too the point where 3 tazers were on him, after this the 25 year old mother of the kids ran too his support and was tazered for ''assaulting a police officer''(she was pregnant too).
The police clearly dint realize that a noise complaint is worth maybe staying around and chatting with the people too get the noise down then leaving and if necessary giving them a ticket under the offense of disturbing the peace.
''Every cop that uses his tazer in a situation were he is not under fire should be fired then tazered!''
hes some more videos of police brutality.you'll notice they do these things usually too old men and women.(just copy the links, i don't feel too url them all)
-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XExpnE-xPd8&feature=fvst -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibSwITK4jjQ(this retard gets fired, sometimes the system works) -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPseyY0Vg0E -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXFMIbkKMMc -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKcf20TBgqw -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFUpa0OwlyU -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fizo-sOSE6o
im just too bored too keep getting the links, anyway thats the police for you
I think the only place in the world that there's police brutality is whenever you're getting whipped by that officer in the Sonny 3 demo. I mean the little one, not the fat one, he's easy.
I think the only place in the world that there's police brutality is whenever you're getting whipped by that officer in the Sonny 3 demo. I mean the little one, not the fat one, he's easy.
I think the only place in the world that there's police brutality is whenever you're getting whipped by that officer in the Sonny 3 demo. I mean the little one, not the fat one, he's easy.
well... what gave you that idea?
He's just easier.
you are making no sense.
So I guess I should ask you the question. Which makes more sense:
1) In the Sonny 3 Demo the fat one is easier to beat than the little one.
2)In the Sonny 3 demo, the little one is easier to beat than the fat one.
If you answer 2 then you just don't know what your talking about!