This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Xbox 360 period, Wii can't touch the Kinect's power and Sony and their...mediocre system can't stand up to the amount of players the 360 has and gains everyday nor the large and ever growing games library. This is a old topic,really old the 360 has proven time and time again that its better, the Nintendo and Sony fan boys can get all pissed about what im saying but thats ok, i own all 3 systems and play them all activly but sorry the sales/players and over all best system is 360, live with it or cry about it i don't care, its fact.
Ignorance is bliss. What do the players matter? You're calling Sony mediocre because the Xbox has sold more? Remember this, Xbox has been out first and look at that! Sony is right behind them, not too long until Sony surpasses Xbox in sales. But really, does that matter? Compare the hardware/software/gameplay/features then come back and try again. Fact.
i have to go PS3 for me graphics are everything now and i grew up playing on the play station and i can't bring myself to go x-box because sure games might be better on x-box but i will always like ps3 better and wii isn't well 'original' any more thnks to the play station move and x-box kinect.
PS3. You don't have to pay a ridiculous price just to go online with your friends, 360 isn't part blu-ray(I think), the controllers aren't messed up, and there's also the 1080p graphics.
the only thing that i see better with the 360 is cell shading ( still loses all other graphics), year before ps3, and customer support. but its coming out early made it so that more people went ot get it. it used to have better exclusives, but no longer. kz, lbp, resistance, are some. we dont have fable, but hey, im more of a elder scrolls kind of guy.
Yeah, but I like to have better online gaming. I prefer the PS3 to both of these, but online gaming just goes to Xbox. Better community of players and doesn't cut out like on the PS3.
Yeah, but I like to have better online gaming. I prefer the PS3 to both of these, but online gaming just goes to Xbox. Better community of players and doesn't cut out like on the PS3.
The xbox has a better community because 1) the most of the losers and lowlifes that pollute the communities aren't willing to pay 5 dollars a month and 2) xbox has full year subscriptions, so a lot of players just pay the 60 dollars so they don't have to deal with it for the rest of the year. The ps3 doesn't cut out. I really don't know what kind of horrible quality ps3 you've been playing, but I've gone for hours online with no lag/disconnection. Plus, cutting would lean mostly on your router and internet connection.
1) the most of the losers and lowlifes that pollute the communities aren't willing to pay 5 dollars a month
What? Why so harsh?
I really don't know what kind of horrible quality ps3 you've been playing, but I've gone for hours online with no lag/disconnection. Plus, cutting would lean mostly on your router and internet connection.
I play on the Slim & have AT&T as an internet provider. It's a good internet connection yet it still does cut out.
I play on the Slim & have AT&T as an internet provider. It's a good internet connection yet it still does cut out.
There are many factors that could produce that effect, so do not deduce that it is your ps3. I have a cheapish router and I live in a deadzone out in the middle of the country. I get perfect connection 90 percent of the time (the other ten percent is weather/router being off), so for you to blame you ps3 is ignorant.
What? Why so harsh?
We all know that there are a bunch of scumbags that pollute online gaming. I don't see why you are offended, unless you are one of them.
Nah. Most of my friends and I get the same problem with the PS3's online connection and we do have perfect internet connection with no problems. But the PS3 lags us out every time while online.
We all know that there are a bunch of scumbags that pollute online gaming. I don't see why you are offended, unless you are one of them.
Implying that I'm offended.
I'm just asking why you are so harsh to the PS3 Community. I barely meet anyone worth saying that to.
Nah. Most of my friends and I get the same problem with the PS3's online connection and we do have perfect internet connection with no problems. But the PS3 lags us out every time while online.
do you live in the city? that could be a problem.
I'm just asking why you are so harsh to the PS3 Community. I barely meet anyone worth saying that to.
Maybe I've been playing GTA 4 online too much lol, but there are a lot of freaks out there who like to make you mad just because.