This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 are slightly close... Have you ever looked at their controllers? Basically, the only difference is where one of the joysticks and the arrowpad are located, and possibly a couple of buttons. However, the motion control systems are what separate all of the systems. The Kinect has no controller, which is kind of cool, but the Move pretty much copied the Wiimote, with a little difference. Honestly, the 360's interface is rather appealing, so I think it is better than the other systems. However, I have not had much experience with the 360, I've been around the playstation all my life, so I stink at 360 games, although I love the Halo games. )Thankfully, my computer can run Halo: CE.) Wii has great potential, but not many great [unique] games, and the amount of games and apps in the store is saddening, although there are a few good games. (Mario games are pretty much the only unique games they have, and they all are pretty much the same.) Playstation hasn't changed that much from what I hear, they mostly just add more features. However, I have never touched a PS3. They have pretty good [and unique] games, though I have not seen the games available for download (or if you can download anything), so I have no idea if it was an amazing upgrade from the PS2 (I can only imagine). But they do have a lot of good games, like Ratchet and Clank, Crash Bandicoot (basically Mario for PS), Gran Torismo, etc. X360 has Halo, and probably a lot more. I wouldn't know.
Overall, I think the Xbox 360 would win. If I had a X360 and PS3 it would probably much quicker of a decision. So probably the X360, than the PS3, than the Wii (nowhere near, sorry). The Xbox just looks a lot friendlier, in design and whatnot.
If so, you're using the correct definition of the word
Have you ever looked at their controllers? Basically, the only difference is where one of the joysticks and the arrowpad are located, and possibly a couple of buttons.
The difference is the size and the fact that the PS3's controller doesn't require batteries like the Xbox's does.
The Kinect has no controller, which is kind of cool, but the Move pretty much copied the Wiimote
There's no dibs in marketing. But if you want to say that then I could say Nintendo was already thinking of a way to play games differently. There's no problem with making things better than they already are. So there shouldn't be a problem with Microsoft or Sony taking this idea into their own so that they can improve it.
I have never touched a PS3. They have pretty good [and unique] games, though I have not seen the games available for download
All of them are quite good gaming consoles, and have many of the same games. Personally, I prefer Xbox. I like its style. Also, the Wii is kind of old.
I think the Xbox came out around 2005 and the Wii came out around 2006. So what are you trying to say? They both came out at around the same time so you can't just dislike the Wii because it's old.
the ps3 is great if you just play by yourself or like watching blu ray movies or music or any other kind of media. plus it has a web browser. but if you like playing online you should buy an xbox 360. the ps3 has PSN but its free which is good, to an extent. being that its free means that there is alot more people and its really laggy. if you have a bad connection or there are a lot of people its nearly impossible to have a good time on. but the xbox 360 on the other hand has xbox live. xbox live is not free but, it does not lag (or very little lag if any) you can still have fun if your connection is poor, and there arent as many people as on PSN. so if you like just having fun playing by yourself. buy the PS3 but if you plan on playing online with some friends buy the xbox 360 and sign up for live. you will be much happier with live than with PSN. as for the wii i dont have one so i cant put a good or bad word in for it
i may sound biased but i prefer the ps3 because i grew up playing frogger and mortal combat on the ps1, and the ps2 had a great game selection and could play dvds and run forever without any negative effects, vie had mine running for like 5 years straight, the only thing i don't like is the slim because it overheats and doesn't hold up, the ps3 when it first came out was great because it could play all the ps2, and ps1 games but they eliminated that, the good part about all systems, u shouldn't need every version to play all the games for that system, that is why i like the xbox, and wii, but also like to cheat at some games when i get bored and the xbox doesn't offer cheats unless u hack, as far as i know so i like the playstation platform best
ps3's are awesome cuz the controllers do not use batteries and because it is bluray. Xboxs and Wiis require you to buy an accessory to have the charging ability for controllers
to be honest i have all three game consoles and i think that they areall very good but the wii is class and its great fun but the games arn't as fun and now that the kinect is out its just old and boring plus the kinect has better games,the ps3 is one of my favourite because its games are class like drakes uncharted but it lacks in most stuff like downloads they arnt as good as the 360's and the 360 has better graphicsand downloads it also has better games and more features i think that the only problem with the 360 is that u have to pay to get x box live.
i belive that the ps3 is by far the better system, for one, it does not get RROD. secondly, i find that it has better exclusive games than the 360, and those are all that really matters because other wise they have the same games. the only advantage the xbox has that i can think of is the fact that it has better controler design. PS3 4 LIFE