This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Blueray for Ps3 is kickass. 360 has great advertisement and games due get better. Ive thrown my wii out the window several times for fun. Thats the only good thing its used for. 360 and Ps3 are crazily matched up pretty good.
the wii is the best . . . its the most family friendly yet its for all ages and any one from the ages 4 to 104 could work it. and the PS3 shouldn't have been made i mean one its to expensive the games suck and its just not as good!!!
the wii is the best . . . its the most family friendly yet its for all ages and any one from the ages 4 to 104 could work it.
I'm sure that they could work an Xbox 360 and PS3 too. The Wii has more family geared games, but the other two systems can be for family gameplay too.
PS3 shouldn't have been made i mean one its to expensive the games suck and its just not as good!!!
This is biased and ignorant. The PS3 has the best hardware. The price is the same as the Xbox 360, so I suppose that shouldn't have been made as well because you're complaining about the price of it. It's only $300. That isn't a lot of money, and if you are on a budget, then you shouldn't be getting gaming consoles anyway. The PS3 should actually cost more because of how much stuff you get with the console and how great it is. On the games, most of those games are on the Xbox 360 and Wii as well, so I guess you hate all three consoles because of that.
Vote goes for 360. I like the wii. It's fun and gets netflix. Playstation has pretty good graphics. The best games are always for the 360 though and that's why I pick xbox.
In your opinion they are. I generally prefer PS3 exclusives, and all the things offered for the system, which is why I choose it. I can see the pros and cons of both the Xbox 360 and Wii, but due to all the things available on the PS3 and the fact that I like the exclusives on there more than the other two, that's why I choose it.
I just though it would be necessary to point out that most of you aren't backing up your opinions. You're also repeating previously stated things like PS3 has the best graphics, Wii sucks, and the Xbox360 has the best games. Let's try to actually debate here, eh?
You're also repeating previously stated things like PS3 has the best graphics, Wii sucks, and the Xbox360 has the best games. Let's try to actually debate here, eh?
Can't expect that from people in here anymore. Only person that gave some good discussion was mdv96. And besides... this was mainly for people to express their opinions.