This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
They are all pretty equal in my opinion. They all have their pluses and their flaws. Now, I can't really say which one I would like over another because I don't own a Playstation 3 or an Xbox 360,so that kind of ruins the point. I might try out the 360, but only because it has Gears of War.
i would like to talk about the hackability(even a word)of these systems...atleast it took them ,whoever they were, like 2-3 years to jailbreak a ps3 and they did it to a wii much earlier
I've owned all consoles but I will have to go with the PS3, now let me explain why:
Wii: It has many family filled games with (with what a lot of people say is) good multiplayer, and a lot of other stuff. But I'm not into the controls, i mean I'd rather sit back with a controller, but yeah that's the only reason i got lol.
And now the comparisons with Xbox 360 and PS3:
With the Xbox 360 you have to pay every month (or year), but I mean that's not a bad thing 'cause It has a lot to offer, but PS3 is free and just as good and can play Blu-Ray Discs.
Wow... I have no comments for your stupidity. First of all, Ascension is map, not a pack. Secondly, that isn't exclusive, thats just an early release that Microsoft payed Activision to give them because they are losing Live customers. So who's the ignorant one? Oh. thats right, you are.
I was talking about the map pack that Acension was in, I think you would've guessed that... Anyways, This whole thread is opinion, YOUR opinion is obviously on PS3's side, mine is definitely on Xbox 360. So which one is better? You really can't decide upon which is better, and don't say, 'Oh, ya i can, itz obviously PS3. Dude. Calm, this debate isn't about something that important, just which game system is better... You really don't need to flame me, because I just made a slip of words. It's all opinion, not facts about the systems, I mean, 'Oh, I prefer the Xbox 360', or 'Hey, I like the Wii more.' You don't need to flip out about me stating facts about each system, and stating my opinion. Calm... Calm.... Calm...
let me tell you i Love my ps3 mad about the hack but the ps3's games have better graf. both xbox and ps3 have sweet games and the wii is fun but not the best but props to the gamers who buy the stuff GO PS3
I would definitely go with PS3 as i own one and it has better gaming than the wii, and none of the problems the xbox suffers from(RROD). It also has many exclusive games and features in said games. Eg. I just bought L.A. Noire on PS3 and with it you get unique traffic case, the consuls car. Its not much but its something!
Playstation 3-best console.the only con is the online gaming isnt the best.I would pay 20 dollars a month for better online gaming. Xbox360-Best console as far as online gaming Wii-this is my personal opinion but i dont like any bit of it except for the browser and the game download option
Firstly they were attracted for different audiences, the Xbos for pros, playstation for the everyday man and Wii for the person who likes gaming but doesn't find the slouching around too appealing. Personally I prefer the playstation because I don't have enough time to play with pros and most of my friends have PS3, I go gym so I'm not too worried about my physique.