This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Well i myself would that each has a good part,Xbox has a good graphic and nice internet while the wii may have some low graphics,but goes more focused on the fun,as for the Ps3...Well he is focused on hardcore games,such as god of war and currently has the best graphics,i also think that the Wii helps to connect the people or something. I go for the PS3 thought.
Well for the games...Everione knows Halo,ive played it nd its probaly ne of the best games for Xbox out there,the PS3,i dont know,as i dint played it for very long,but most popular games are shooters,the Wii...Ill tell you it has made considerable sucess with Monster Hunter 3,it has a wide variety of games but it seems that shooters gt their place here too,i also loved the remake of Okami for the Wii. Sorry for the huge post.
I have heard of new consoles,i think its obvious that there is gonna be a PS4,Nintendo said something about WiiU(thats a stupid name in my opinion)and realesed the new N3DS,wich has his graphical capabilities,i bet the next Xbox will be like 720 or another thing,Sny also made a new console,PSVita,that has a ¨touchscreen¨ on its back.
i like the PS3 better for the system but X box has more games and a better network. the wii is basically for kids and fat people trying to loose wait, its not really in the same category for serious gamers. Best games for PS3 are Infamous and Uncharted and God of War.
The Xbox is superior. Wii only has the sensor so it can see the remote. Of course, easily mentioning that PS3 doesn't have anything like it. Plus, you forgot that there's something called Playstation Move? Xbox sales actually kind of boosted when Kinect came out.
SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXISTED = None of the options Wait... What? I don't understand. Never existed for Wii and Xbox, then, at the end, you say that neither should exist? What?
definitly xbox, it actaully has a lower failure rate and even though PS# has better graphics, the graphic engine in the xbox is better. Wii is not a gamers gaming system, im sure there is no question there. Even if you have to pay for live, that is because it is a much better quality than the PS3 network.
well i vote ps3 because it is the best and i don't have to play for online gaming its way better in graphics and audio as for xbox u pay for online gameplay and the graphics and sound are terrible and as for the wii i just sucks horrible games, stupid controls and more stuff im saying this because i own all consoles and would much rather prefer the older console than the newer ones only because im a retro gamer and like to relive memories
The PS3 and Wii are below 10% while the Xbox 360 is above 30% percent. Last time I checked it was around 40-50%.
the graphic engine in the xbox is better.
I haven't read deeply into the specifications of each console, but I can tell you that they are not utilizing it. If it's better, that is.
Wii is not a gamers gaming system
Inb4KentyBK. The Wii is a gamers gaming console; want to know why? Because you play games on it, thus making it a gamers gaming console.
Even if you have to pay for live, that is because it is a much better quality than the PS3 network.
I don't see a difference in it; I experience little to no problems on each and I get the same service, only difference is that you don't have to pay for PSN.
Free online multiplayer really should be free no matter what, and i see no difference in the graphics. The xbox may have some better titles, but if you have to pay every month to play them, there's just no point for me. Also, the wii is mentally challenged.