This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I loved the Wii, the motion controls for FPS games were amazingly fun. Sadly, they screwed up though. Their online is basically nonexistent, and their graphics are sub-par.
PlayStation Move is what I'm going to try soon, which I hope to be the Wii with HD graphics and better FPS titles. I just can't get over how much fun motion controls are for FPS games.
Xbox 360 is by far my favorite for online play though. All my friends have 360s so I can easily game with all my friends.
Ultimately I think the best console is dependent on how you use the system. Do you game with friends? Do you want a Blu-ray player? Do you want an excellent online service? Do you want casual family friendly games?
Each system is Good. How you use it determines if its Great.
PlayStation Move is what I'm going to try soon, which I hope to be the Wii with HD graphics
It kind of is, but meh, I prefer sitting down while playing video games. And I'm so used to the controllers already.
wii is just bad
But why? Just because it has PS2 graphics? Some of the games being kid friendly? I don't see why it qualifies as bad because of those things; there are other things you can do on it, and the graphics aren't VERY important. They're good enough, at least they're not graphics where you can't recognize things while playing.
If you actually want to game than xbox is the way to go for the slightly faster internet than PS3 but if not PS3 is the way to go and also if you have more friends on one rather than the other. And we all know that the wii is pretty much just terrible except for classic gamecube games.
Pros: Cheap, good for younger ages, interactive, can play gamecube games.
Cons: Small community, ok graphics, most games are only made for younger ages. ____________________________________________________________
Pros: Large community, good graphics, Halo/Gears of War 2 & 3, base price is cheaper than ps3.
Cons: Pay for online, pay for community items, costs more than ps3 overtime, older than ps3. ____________________________________________________________
Pros: Killzone/Infamous/Uncharted/LittleBigPlanet, good graphics, medium community.
Cons: Can easily be hacked, not a lot of community support, costs less than Xbox over time. ____________________________________________________________