This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Could be me, but I think fanboys are taking over this thread.
@Fanboys: Try to actually look through the specifications, pros, cons, etc. of each console instead of blurting out that garbage. In short: If you want free online, blu-ray, controllers that don't require battery changes, a console that'll most likely last longer due to its low failure rate, and you like the exclusive games, go with with PS3. If you enjoy stable online gameplay, the controllers fit in your hands well, you like the exclusive games, then go with the Xbox 360. If you like motion gaming, classic Nintendo games, all the exclusives, like moving around while playing, then go with the Wii. It's very simple. However, from what I've read in specifications the PS3 is the best, but people may not care about that. They probably just want to play certain games, and that's nice, but don't say a console is the best just because it has a few games the others don't.
i would say wii and xbox360 they have a bunch of games for them that take a long time to beat and you kinda want to keep playing it until you beat whatever game you are playing.
i would say wii and xbox360 they have a bunch of games for them that take a long time to beat and you kinda want to keep playing it until you beat whatever game you are playing.
Are you implying the PS3 doesn't have games that take long to beat? Because that's what it looks like you're saying...
Playstation 3, no doubt. Its an easy choice in my eyes. I mean come on, look at the facts. Its got blu ray, thats much better then an old dvd lol. With all the extra space, better graphics are possible. Sure, X Box can make those graphics, but the can't fit them on there DVD's. Also, community. Your WAY more likely to be called gay on X-Box live then you do at your gay wedding. At least you have some respectable people on PSN. And one last thing, online gaming is free. PS3 takes the cake, with ease.
To be completely honest I like Xbox-360 and PC both have games I like, the PS3 may have more exclusives, but the Xbox-360 has better exclusives than the PS3 like,gears of war,and fable. The Wii is terrible, the motion bar thing is all screwy too. For me though, the best is the Xbox-360, it has the KINECT!
It's kind of a matter of preference. If you are looking for a family console then you should get the Wii. PS3 and XBOX both have exclusive games. PS3 has free online but it got hacked before. Like I said before it depends on what you're looking for.
PS3 is better in everyway then xbox 360 other then the xbox 360 community is alot larger because ps3 has better graphics less faults free online whereas the xbox 360 has worse graphics p2p online and more faults so there is no point in saying xbox is better the fact is it's not. The only excuse is that more people have xbox and you prefer the controller and that is personal experience.
and I have an xbox 360 and have never played ps3 so you can't say I'm biased but that out of the way pc owns them all.