This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
My first post and it could't be any better then a vote for PS3.
Wii is good, Xbox not comfy with the controller but PS3 is what defines gaming for this generation consoles. Looking forward to a better online community in my country but hopefully it will happen pretty soon.
Wii doesn't have a near amount of games than Xbox and PS3 does.
He wasn't talking about amount of games. Also Xbox and PS3 have lots of games avaible for PC - if you don't count those they won't have that much higher amount of gmaes,
first of the Wii is trash, the x box is best for gaming online and stuff using kinetic. Now the ps3 is best for watching movies and games that you dont play online
ps3 by far. it has a more natural feelin controller, the best processing power of all 3 and a massive variety of games (e.g final fantasy 13 could run in 1080p on the ps3 but had to run in 720p on the xbox) this coming from a guy who has all 3 systems. still im a legend of zelda fan but i think that thats the only reason to get a wii
Just because it's most popular games are FPS, doesn't mean that is all they have. That is the same as saying Xbox only has Halo and Gears. I am going to comment like 80% of the people on here, to see how it feels.
I think X-Box takes the prize. Overall, though, I would say the PC. My beautiful Minecraft and YouTube await. Anywho, X-Box, sure, you have to pay for the online service, but you can't argue that their controllers are "weird." It fits me (and probably you) more comfortably.
Ps3 , because you dont need to pay to use the psnetwork, the exclusives games are much better, Uncharted, god of war, GT5, killzone etc... and the Blue ray is very cool too
i believe that ps3 is superior,because i recently owned an xbox and it stopped working.i own a wii but it stopped working as ps3 is working i say that ps3 is supperior