This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Its a real hard decision.I mean,sony clearly took nintendo's idea of the motion gaming.Besides that though,microsoft has been taking over with there kinect idea and there variety of games and downloadable ones,but the fact you have to PAY for online gaming seems ridiculous to if i had to choose,id choose the wii since they had the origanal idea of motion gaming,and the fact that its so creative.
i seriously dont like the Wii because moving isnt meant to be the joy of video gaming, video gaming was meant to be when you sit down and relax, enjoy cutscenes, if you want to play sports or play with pets, why not just actually do the sports? you're just spenging more for the Wii and the game then actually playing the sport. Personally I like the PS3, it has the best games on it.
I would say the Xbox 360. I haven't tried a PS3 (yet), and the Xbox Kinect has made the Wii become pretty much obsolete technology, since Xbox Kinect doesn't 100% require an "actual" controller. Therefore, I cling to Xbox 360. Sorry, Wii fans, but it is true.
I own an xbox and a Wii but do not own a ps3, however, I have played my share of ps3, for one thing I prefer xbox controls. Another is that Xbox has explicit rights to Halo which is one of my top favorite games xD..
Well, I think Xbox 360 wins in terms of GUI, but PS3 wins in terms of Hardware. I don't own a Wii, and I am sorry I don't know a lot about that. Xbox 360 Kinect is better than PS3 Move, and more enjoyable too! But due to Hardware, PS3 wins the battle when it comes to Graphics. Xbox Live is better than PSN because of a Superior GUI. That's all, I guess. Xbox 360 and PS3 pwn each other where they lack. Maybe Sony and Microsoft should have a joint venture in Console Gaming, they would make Millions!
Xbox Kinect has made the Wii become pretty much obsolete technology, since Xbox Kinect doesn't 100% require an "actual" controller. Therefore, I cling to Xbox 360. Sorry, Wii fans, but it is true.
Yep, but what's also true: 1) Xbox Kinect (with xbox360) costs crap load of money - you can get Wii for hlaf price 2) Wii has MUCH MUCH more games and also definitlly much more good games. 3) Kinect has few problems with controls - seriously Michael Jackson - dancing game got higher score on Wii and PS3M than on Kinect! I know it's not problem of all games but still controls are probably really difficult to program and some games show it well. 4)At least for me no buttons means no gaming console - touch screen mobiles have no button and playing game on them is worse than on PSP (PSV) and NDS (3DS). Same goes to Kinect - playing Fable III with no buttons is ridiculous (okay I know that game was nothing special anyway). Also in some other games like Forza Motorsport (highest rated Kinect game so far) it still feels more natural to play with actual controler. People should know that Wii controler having motion control DOESN'T make Wii console only for exercises. Most of games use only basic commands like spinning and pointing (that's definitly not what I call exercise) thus it's completly different thing than Kinect. I would compere Kinect to Wii fit board (Kinect would win compering to that thing)
The Wii is quite good for its unique controls, but the small processor and mediocre graphics are its weak points. Your only really getting the privilege to play Mario, Zelda, Metroid, etc.
The PS3 is just as good as the XBOX 360, with Uncharted and LBP as its games, and the added HD and Blu-ray. Its network did get hacked twice, however, so if you want security with your money, the XBOX is superior. It has Halo, of course, and Kinect, if you're into the latest tech.
Keep an eye out for the WiiU, it's supposed to have much better graphics, backwards compatibility, and a processor twice as powerful as the PS3. And that new console-controller fusion.
in my opinion 1. ps3 beacause u can videochat, and livechat, and download movies , alo u dont need batteries for the remotes, u charge them 2. Xbox, costs tons of money, but the kinect thing sounds really cool, has very good graphics 3. the wii, one good thing is that wii should deserve all the credit for the motion cotrol things, after all it was the first nintendo game that use motion control. but the reason i think its bad beacause im comparing it to the two most awesome systems in the world, if i was comparing it to the ds, wii wins by a landslide