This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I really like the Wii because you can play Wii games that keep you active, but you can play Gamecube games also.
Ever heard of the Kinect and btw the xbox lets you play older games as well also im pretty sure there is a thing called playstation move. Its dumb becasue the Wii act like they are the only people that created that when the PS2 had it first
Ever heard of the Kinect and btw the xbox lets you play older games as well also im pretty sure there is a thing called playstation move. Its dumb becasue the Wii act like they are the only people that created that when the PS2 had it first
ok wii lets just say no i dont we count that one athoughy ps3 has games god of war 3 for some reason halo and gears take my vote plus i hate killzone it licks your friend ruben
Because they make awesome games and awesome systems. I don't really like the Playstations of Xboxs. Mario is one of the most popular games made on the planet and it's NINTENDO! Wa-hoo!
Lol , i have all three, so ok the Wii, its ok but its more for the Mario type of games, and maybe sports. But Xbox came out with the Kinect or something. It may have many errors as noted on "G4". But the Xbox also is better for more the RPGs and Sports. Then coming to the ps3, back then 600$ , yes expensive considering the xbox was like 400, but it also sold out of every store withing the US. If we havnt remembered the 3 deaths that happened when the Ps3 was released. But I would stick to the ps3 , only because free online and, ps3 is better for shooting games. Also i don't want to pay money to play my games every 12 months lol.
I would have to say that the Xbox 360 is the best because of the graphics and the Xbox Live feature that allows the Gamer to communicate and Compete with other Gamers across the Nation. The Wii would be my second choice because it has a "You are the character" type feel. The motion sensored abilities enhance the gaming experience with that system. I would say that the Playstation 3 should have never been made because I see nothing unique about that system.
360 rocks. You get the best of a wii (kinect) and a playstation (classic controller/games)Thats why I choose it. I liked having my old xbox because when I bought a game the store would almost pay me to take them.
Personally, I like the Wii. It's the games that make it an easy decision. Nintendo quality games are the single most important consideration for me. Sure, the 360 has many great games, but they are often available on PC anyway (Skyrim). The Wii games are unique to the system. Emulating them would suck anyway (how do you emulate gestures?). XBOX live does have a good internet community, but the fees are a pity. I really don't see what the PS3 has going for it. I much prefer the XBOX controllers and online community.
The Dolphin Wii emulator allows you to use your Wii remote with a special add-on.
Personally,my faourite system out of the three is the Wii,just because of the plethora of characters it has.Also,the Wii has reverse compatability,which allows the owner to download older games onto it(I have Donkey Kong Country on it and it rocks!).