This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
PS3 is better because of the Bluray, the exclusives (GOW, Killzone, Uncharted, GT5, LBP, Infamous and a lot of other games) and the PS Move.
XBOX 360 is good, LIVE is better than PSN and Kinect is really funny, but you have to pay for playing online and there are only few exclusives, like the Halo franchise, Forza and Gears of War.
Wii is for a different public: Kids and Family. Really, it's not bad, but the graphics are ridiculous, there are almost no hardcore and adult games and the only good game is Mario Kart and Mario Galaxy.
I prefer the PS3, but don't forget: PC > All Consoles
What he said^ PS3 IS far more superior 1 free internet, wii sucks balls, xbox y have to pay 2 bluray,xbox no wii no 3 killzone ONLy ps3 ,xbox gears o war, wii sucks balls 4 PS3 KICKS ***
Not necessarily. Most people neglect the fact that the Wii has virtually 100% backward-compatibility. You can get your favorite old school games from the Wii shop channel (for a price of course). That said, you can use the Wii to play Gamecube, N64, SNES, and NES games. It's really the only good thing about the Wii. The only good Wii games are Twilight Princess and SSBB. Thus (I'm about to drop a huge bomb here) the Wii, with the old games, is better in my opinion. However, if the Wii did not have backward-compatibility, the Wii would be a miserable disgrace to video games.
I Would Have to Go With the Xbox 360 because it has many good games that neither the PS3 or Wii have including: Halo Series, Forza Motorsport, Gears of War, and Let's not forget PGR (Project Gotham Racing). I like The PS3 Too Because it is Quiet, Has alot of Storage, and Not as Many Modders. Though i Wasn't too impressed with the Controllers compared to the Xbox 360 Controller. Also i Like the PS3 because you don't have to Pay for Online Gaming as for on Xbox 360 it is $50.00 Per Year of Xbox Live Gold. But Overall i Would Have to Go With The Xbox 360.
I love the PS3 most. I like it, because playstation network is free unlike the XBOX 360. I don't like the wii, because it does more moving than fun. I don;t like the XBOX 369 because the controller is way to big for me. So that's why I like the PS3 than xbox360,and the wii.
I think all three systems have pros and cons, but my personal favorite is and always will be the Xbox360. Just look at Kinect, no controllers in your hand to play a game, more games and better games.
I'll go with PS3 as they're reliable, and they have great graphics compared to the other two choices, although they're more expensive then the other two, you'll end up paying more for X-Box Live as PSN is free.