This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
You can't hate the price of USA. But you can hate the taxes of Brazil.
I am sure where you are at people probably have more money. Like here in America the Minimum wage is like $300-$400 every week. And since I am a teenager with minimum wage I would have to work 2 weeks just to buy an Xbox or PS3. The economy is bad
the xbox gets my vote because of 1: indie games i mean come on you can make your own game. 2: more people have mics on the XBOX than on the PS3 3:well the online play is free on PS3 it lacks so much: indie games, arcade games, decent cheap mics, and exclusive games. as for the WII well it lacks as well in much the same way.
but i like and play all 3
however my vote is for the XBOX360 witch does have a search bar and u must charge controllers for the play station
and u can also search the web can xbox do that? no it cant coz its crap u have to buy batteries for the controller WTF
however my vote is for the XBOX360 witch does have a search bar and u must charge controllers for the play station
I haven't found the search bar to really help that much so it isn't really a deciding factor. And almost every controller I have seen that is wireless has to charge.