This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Xbox is the best because it has the best graphics and games
The graphics aren't really better. I am a fan to the Xbox but I know that the graphics are a little worse. But I I still feel that everything else the Xbox has makes up for it
The Xbox 360 is way smoother for multiplayer gameplay. It also has a relatively easy app choosing system!
PS3 however, plays the sweetest movies you ever did see! The gaming is so-so and opposite of 360....(although i do love the game Warhawk) the menu system and syncing are difficult.
WII is fun! It is a group machine. The menus are way user friendly and WII Bowling is a riot of fun!
my vote goes to ........ XBOX 360!!!! multiplayer is where its at! I mean really... we are talking about "Video Games" here and 360 definately has it !
Xbox for life! It's got kinect which is like wii but without a remote and an awesome game experiance like the playstation. It's got it all! XBOX,XBOX,XBOX
I eliminate PS3 because it is just a regular game. Xbox 360 is a very common game, and I get bored of playing it may times. Wii has amazing quality and it even causes vibrations to shake our hand. I vote Wii
Wii has amazing quality and it even causes vibrations to shake our hand.
I don't know what your talking about but ever since the Playstation 1 had that back in the day then every new console pretty much had a vibration technique
My vote goes to Playstation3.Ive been a Sony user since i was about 5 or 6.Graphics are way better,especially with an HD cable,although the Playstation3's do have overheating issues.I still go with PS3.
I eliminate PS3 because it is just a regular game. Xbox 360 is a very common game, and I get bored of playing it may times. Wii has amazing quality and it even causes vibrations to shake our hand. I vote Wii
not attacking anyone directly but the graphics don't depend on the console just the software used by the creators of a game because any one can use one of the unreal engines ( actuall name of very popular engine ) just look up a video on youtube and your see also just look up a web site showing a graphics system or engine and look at the games that were created with it so no the argument "the graphics are better" is not a valid one as it depends on the game not the console.
If the Wii weren't essentially a failed experiment in terms of third-party support, as only the (excellent) Nintendo-made games really make great use of its full capabilities, it could be the best game in the generation.
But my vote is gonna have to go to the PS3, because I like its game library over that of the XBox. In the end, they're so close in terms of everything technical that game selection is what really matters to me. I rarely if ever play online.
the graphics are better" is not a valid one as it depends on the game not the console.
I agree with you. Maybe if someone was talking about the PC because it can have the best graphics because you can change them. And if you have a high end video card you will have some great looking games