This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
This is a perplexing question indeed. Lets look at the three things that each of these systems have. Movement sensing games, normal games, and internet services.
Lets start with motion sensing tech.
First we had the Wii, which at the time was pretty cool because we had never seen anything like it before in a console game.
Then, we had PS3 Move. It was just a complete copy of Wii so they don't deserve any credit for that.
And finally, we got X Box Kinect. It was, and still is, the most advanced available.
X Box wins this round.
Now we have normal games.
Wii stinks. It has a bad controller that's not shaped for gaming and an even worse button layout.
PS3 has good games. It has a nice button layout. There isn't really anything to complain about there.
X Box is exactly like PS3. But, it has one advantage. It has Halo. That is the only thing I can think of the X Box has better than PS3.
Once again X Box wins.
Now we go to internet services.
Wii's internet allows you to surf the web, but it is very limited as there is no flash player. Its O.K., but it also doesn't have a real system like X Box Live and PS3 Network.
PS3 has PS3 Network which you don't have to pay for, which is awesome.
And then, there is X Box. It has X Box live, which is good, but you have to pay for it.
wait wait wait. Wii is out of competition because it sucks, X-box has games like Left 4 dead and Left 4 dead 2, which is some of the best games overall, PS3 has games such as Rachet and Clank, infamous, infamous 2, resistance 1,2, and 3, X-box and PS3 have games like mortal kombat, Dead Rising 1,2, and off the record, MW3, MW2, and Dead Island, Battle Field, which are also good, but think about online, PS3 has free online and X-box u pay like 50$, why waste 50$ over online? now think about it. i think PS3 overall -McSwagga
X-box has games like Left 4 dead and Left 4 dead 2, which is some of the best games overall
Are you kidding?? Left 4 dead is mediocre when it comes to other games Valve makes. Not to mention they made one of the most successful old time FPS game (Half-life).
As of 14 July 2006, the Half-Life franchise has sold over 20 million units
What do you think that number is now? Valve makes way better games than Left 4 Dead and L4D2 just plain sucked with tons of glitches crappy new characters.
The reason why Valve games aren't on the PS3 is because whoever ported the orange box over, ****ed it all up. With missing things, messed up framerate and new glitches.
X-box u pay like 50$,
first off its $50 the money sign always goes first. Second, it is $50 dollars for 12 months. I used to make $300 dollars every 2 weeks and I was getting paid minimum wage. Do the math when you get down to it, you really aren't paying that much extra. And besides Xbox Live gold offers better features then the PS3 and I am pretty sure it has never been hacked.
So when it comes down to it, the real reason you think the PS3 is better is because you are cheap and can't afford to spend very little money. Its about 10 dollars a month, I can make that much money going door to door selling odd things or asking to mow lawns etc etc. Not a big deal.
Oh and for the record Dead Rising 1 is not on the PS3.