This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
The dashboard, the Live Parties, everything just seems easier to understand.
It really depends on which one you started playing with. I started with PS3 and it seems really easy for me, whenever I try the Xbox i find it more confusing the PS# so it really matters which one you started playing first.
I think one of my favorite things about the xbox 360 is that its controllers are all usb capable and can be used on your home computer. This is a nice feature in case you want to play on the PC and the 360.
I also like how you can connect to your windows media center and stream your music that you have. It is great for parties and the visuals on the TV make it feel like a rave.
Other great features involve being able to remove your hard drive and format USB flash drives and use them for your Xbox 360. This just makes going over to your friends how that much easier and allows you to have all your game saves. Also if you ever lose your profile you can recover it with xbox live.
The Xbox also has some great visuals with the xbox dashboard. And the fact that you can get xbox arcade games from the really old past makes me remember great old games.
The quality is just something great that stands out. I also like the USB idea because I have a HUB that makes it possible to plug all my flash drives and controllers into the xbox all at the same time
i Think that the wii system is better at some games, for instance, you would not be able to play the "let's dance" games on the PlayStation 3, or the Connect, for they have problems catching all of your movements, while on the wii, it is fun to play, furthermore, because of the way you can move the wii remote around the screen, it is better for games like Call of Duty, as long as it does not lag out. The X-Box is better for games like forza 4, and sports games, because it is easier to control.
I have a Wii and will be buying a Xbox 360 as soon as I get enough money. Xbox is best in my opinion and than Wii and then PS3. I like Xbox 360 the best because of what I have seen and heard.
I think that they are all good. The Wii is the best system for fameley games, The PS3 is the best for multiplayer (Free online), and the 360 runs the smoothest and has some of the best games. If I had to pick just one though I would have to say 360.
The PS3 is the best for multiplayer (Free online), and the 360 runs the smoothest and has some of the best games. If I had to pick just one though I would have to say 360
well you pay for online on the xbox but it runs better and more people have mics
ps 3 forever it is the father of all consols legendary stuff.
First of the Sony PlayStation was made way later than Nintendo and Sega so it can't be a father. Also the thing is that Playstations have been around so long that I don't understand why they aren't different. I mean a PS3 is like an updated version of the PSP and the PS2 i think they could have spiced some things up and made the console VUI look better and more appealing. The PS3 just seems like your average run of the mill chip off the old block gaming system. It barely looks any better then the Windows Media Center interface.
But the Xbox is always being updated and new layouts are created. And the interface is always clean and simple and very graphical.
never played Xbox, i kinda hate Wii, and i love Xbox. The only problem with Xbox is that when it updates, it takes WAY to long, and it has ALOT of updates