This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
I think Wii is the best and the healtiest too!When you are playing Wii video games,you have to move,at least to shake the remote.Also,in Wii video games about sports,the 95% of the controls needs the remote's movement.
PS3 all the way because of a few reasons #1 better online play #2 free online play #3 better graphics #4 built in blue-ray it's reliable system all the way
PS3 all the way because of a few reasons #1 better online play #2 free online play #3 better graphics #4 built in blue-ray it's reliable system all the way
im back also better graphics is not a reason graphics depend on the game not the console
plus if it was reliable then how come it only took 3 people to hack the whole network
and then theres the matter of the red ring "of death" or as it realy is an error code readout yes the reason you can have differnt combos of red player marks is beacouse they mean differnt things and they'er not all perm a prolems
also its freeonline but lagy and you have to download a lot of updates .
I would say Xbox is the choice for online gaming. Usually the system with 12 year olds talking about someones mom. PS3 is more for the individual gamer, or solo person. Wii is a family system most of the time.
I vote for Playstation 3 because its free and its blue ray and its highest on the real best consol list Xbox 360 is 2ed on the list and wii is 3rd on the list
and then theres the matter of the red ring "of death"
The Red Ring of Death isn't something that happens 50% of the time or every few months or something. It's just as rare as a computer failure. I've had an Xbox 360 Pro for a while(Turned 3 years old in March) and the only time I got a RRoD was when it overheated overnight due to me not turning it off. I managed to fix it, and no other problems have occurred. RRoD is certainly not a big deal.
The best? Hmmm i only have Wii and i believe its the best for family games. I think PS3 would be the best for shooters and other misc. stuff because its almost the same as XBOX ans it has free online play while you have to pay a whopping $60 a year for XBOX Live.