This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Wii cannot be compared to PS3 and Xbox 360 because of the graphics.
That was one of the most arrogant statements ive ever heard. Just because it has worse graphics dosent mean its flat out the worse console. I may agree that its the worse console for other reasons but not that one.
I would rate the system as ps3 then wii then xbox because the xbox has one good game available only on the xbox and the ps3 has tons of them. But the wii has some really great titles
wow really!? the ps3 is terrible, and the wii is fun if your 12. just save yourself some time and sell the ps3 and wii, and buy a xbox like every other gamer that knows better. It might be free to play online, but the xbox is so much better, and the games are way better then the other two systems put togeter.
I cant get past that you say there is only one good title. U must be ill for real. Thats the dumbest thing i have ever heard. Ps3 Sucks so bad. every part of it. If someone was to take my xbox away and say hey you can only play this ps3 from now on i would quit playin video games all together then blow the ps3 up to atleast get a little fun out of it.
he xbox has one good game available only on the xbox
really now. halo, minecraft and others so yeah you keep telling yourself that
and for the wii people, game informer magazine said that to see how bad the wii sucks they took out the wii for game rating and compared the rating without the wii compared to with the wii and they said that in every instance the rating went up
There is no point of playing the wii unless you are trying to get fit. The PS3 has too many hackers and there is a lot of things they could do to improve the PS3 gaming system. The XBOX-360 has some hackers and they have put in more work into it then the PS3. Lets take a game for example.Ex.:Call Of Duty:Modern Warfare 2. PS3: Tons of hackers. Spammers,Glitchers, all those fake prestige 10's. Its crazy! XBOX-360:Some pathetic hackers no spamming no glitchers and the graphics are better on XBOX-360. So I would go for XBOX then any other device.
Xbox 360, you do have to pay for online but when you pay because the network on xbox live is much far better than the ps3's, there is no lag, better security. i must remind u that the ps3 got hacked, the xbox never got hacked because of its security. xbox has better games and the add-ons come out way before. So that is why xbox is better.