This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
i wouldnt vote for the WII because its outdated i might vote for the XBOX 360 but it cost to go online i probably would vote for the PS3 because its free to go online but its been hacked before PS3 ALL THE WAY!!!
Xbox all day even though you have to pay for membership it is worth it because xbox has more multiplayer games and when you play local co op on xbox both players can pick a profile so they both can get achievments.
I agree with drew641 Xbox beats PS3 and the Wii anyday. Also I think you get more out of Xbox Live memberships than on PS3 but the wii has a good bit of games.
Ps3 is still winning this debate. Multiple statistics (not just one because sometimes, it won't be accurate) prove that Ps3 is still better. I've seen many people with all 3 consoles and literally say Ps3 is better.
The internet all depends on your internet connection. Xbox can always lag too.
its really just between xbox and ps3. the wii is a very bad console compared to the xbox and the playstation. all of the great games like metal gear and borderlands are for the two main consoles
I'm only going to look at games here. Upcoming games. So do not flaunt past hits at me. I'm going to throw out Wii out the window here like many have. First lets look at Xbox. The obvious hit here is Halo 4. A strong series, and one that isn't stopping any time soon. A new Gears of War game is coming out, that is taking place before the first 3 games. Similar to Halo: Reach. There's also the matter of Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and all future Skyrim DLC being unable for PS3 for an indefinite amount of time.
The PS3 has a new IP though, Last of Us. It should be a heavy-hitter, and I am definitely going to get it. There is also some sort of God of War spinoff, or I believe a prequel. There's also a Sly Cooper game that is going to be released which should get many fans riled up. There's one more game I can think of off the top of my head, but it's a longshot. Kingdom Hearts 3 is going to come out sooner or later, KH 3D pointed at that pretty well. Considering that KH2 was on the PS2, and we have never seen an Xbox version of any KH game, nor will we ever probably, so I think it's safe to put Kingdom Hearts 3 as an exclusive to the PS3.
For the next few years, my vote goes to Sony. Perhaps Microsoft will land some more exclusive hits in the future, and win me over.
i think the Xbox is better because it has a Wii like system built into it. also i think the games they have for the Xbox are better then the PlayStation and the Wii except for the Zelda games on the Wii toughs are amazing.
K i will run it all down. Ps3 has better graphics more prosessing power more exclusives better controllers (no changing batteries) Blu-ray and has more game variety like little big planet Uncharted series God of War are all completely different- X-box call of duty halo and more shooting games. sorry Microsoft but Ps3 wins everytime.