This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Considering, I own a Wii, an xBox 360, and I had a Playstation 2 for a good period, (though that doesn't really have to do with it, It's just the best I could offer for that side)...
Well, The xBox has some awesome graphics, and it supports good online play, I've seen.
The Wii has some of my favorite games and, it was the first to bring the motion feature in to play...
And my memories of my PS2 are fuzzy because of frustration from not having a memory card ( therefore resulting in heavy gaming marathons with my cousins so that we could at least say we beat it, even if we couldn't keep a save file)...
I say the Wii out of preference, but I can see why people would prefer any of the systems.
The PlayStation 3 Stands Out Way Far To Me Simply Because- Top Resolution - 1080p Games Price - Tend To Be A Little Cheaper Than The XBOX 360 Videos - PS3 has a built-in Blu-Ray Player, however, if you had an XBOX you would have to pay about £80 for a Blu-Ray Player aswell. Online - PS3 Beats this bit by miles, because PS3 is free, FOREVER, whereas the XBOX Costs £40 Per Year. So Basically, PS3 Is your best bet. YOU GET MORE!
I have PS3 and Wii.Well, Wii is more apropriate for girls, so....since I´m not one, I can´t say Wii is better than the others, because I really don´t enjoy playing Wii games and also its graphics are like PS2 or worse.PS3 is really awesome, but since online server is always down or getting fixed, it can´t really be the best, however the graphics and the games are awesome...Xbox has a way more advanced online connection, and the games, graphics and so are as good as the PS3.. so I´ll vote for Xbox.
I have all three systems,but my opinion is that the xbox wins because its a better system than any other. It might not have good graphics but it can download a run better than the playstation or wii
my opinion is that the xbox wins because its a better system than any other. It might not have good graphics but it can download a run better than the playstation or wii
Well even though I really disagree with that, I think that 90% of this is all perspective. Perspective of the overall setup of the home screen, the controller, what system your friends have, etc... But one of the things that turns me off is that the live for X-Box is not free, and even though you are paying, it's not really that much better than the PS3's free live. Also I have heard cases of the X-Box scratching games. I own a PS3 and have never had that happen or heard that a PS3 scratched a disk. Oh and the Wii really can't compete with X-Box and PS3, it really doesn't need to be in this discussion in my opinion.