This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Not very, because if you're the sort of gamer that likes that stuff, you probably have another, more powerful console already and there's no real reason to get a Wii U, since its game library is so limited and it's got none of the exclusives of the other two AND it's going to be obsolete reeeeeal fast.
Game library is limited because it's new. Besides, it isn't hard to adapt games to it. What to do with the gamepad? Make the buttons do the stuff that Xbox and PS3 controllers do. What to do with the touch screen? Put a map on it. Problem solved.
Obsolete? What? The next gen consoles for Xbox and PS3 are planned for 2015ish. That's not very fast. By then Nintendo will have planned another console.
i have never played a PS 3 or a WiiU. but since i dont like the wii i dont like the wii u. PS 3 is probally good from what i hear. but i love the XBOX 360!!!!
but since i dont like the wii i dont like the wii u.
They're different consoles with different qualities. It's like saying the PS3 is the same as the Xbox because they're vaguely similar. The Wii U and Wii actually have less in common than the PS3 and Xbox.
i have never played a PS 3 or a WiiU. but since i dont like the wii i dont like the wii u. PS 3 is probally good from what i hear. but i love the XBOX 360!!!!
If you haven't tried it I don't see how you could rate it.
I'm still waiting to get a try at the Wii U so I can't say much about it at the moment. From what I've seen though is that it doesn't really have much momentum after the Wii.
Ps3 is still the best. user friendly, games that you can play online are amazing, not to mention all games in PS3 are great In terms of quality, PS3 reigns supreme
Yeah, I know. It's still limited. There's still little point in getting the Wii U, and there will continue to be little point until such time as it has a good number of exclusives, and by then a new generation might well come.
Besides, it isn't hard to adapt games to it. What to do with the gamepad? Make the buttons do the stuff that Xbox and PS3 controllers do. What to do with the touch screen? Put a map on it. Problem solved.
Geez, map screen, great incentive for me to get an entirely new game console with everything I already have.
Obsolete? What? The next gen consoles for Xbox and PS3 are planned for 2015ish. That's not very fast. By then Nintendo will have planned another console.
A TWO YEAR CONSOLE? TWO YEARS? That's not fast to you?
Do you realize how long this generation lasted/will last? A console that lasts for two years until its competitors blow it out of the water is worthless, 2015ish (and that's a worst-case-scenario) IS real fast in console terms.
I havent really played the Ps3 very much but nintendo is always behind.
I like the xbox 360 because I have owned it for a long time. But seeing as I am mostly a PC gamer then I would have to say I like the Ps3 because steam has cross platform play meaning I can buy certain games for steam and I will own them on the PSN
My vote is on the PS3 only because it is a more powerful console and it has a blue-ray player built in. The graphics on the PS3 are a better, if not by much. And the Blu-ray player allows for more to be put on one disc. Notice how some games on the X-Box 360 require multiple discs, while it only takes one disc for the PS3. Case in point: Mass Effect 3.
The Wii is defiantly best if you're looking for more laid back gaming. The Xbox and the PS3 are pretty similar but i have to go with the Xbox because of the extra games it has (like Halo). Plus, the live membership is only a small price to pay for a great experience.