This is the official Battle of the Game Systems thread. Which system do you think is top quality? Which system should never have been made? State your opinion and provide the reasons why your console is top dog!
Doesn't matter, if one company takes an idea and can make it into something good, what's the problem? The companies have been doing this forever.
And considering the fantastic first-party titles for the Wii compared to the mediocrity that spewed from PlayStation Move, it's a bit obvious you'd rather have a Wii and a solid library rather than shell out the cash for the glowy blue-ball controller.
And considering the fantastic first-party titles for the Wii compared to the mediocrity that spewed from PlayStation Move, it's a bit obvious you'd rather have a Wii and a solid library rather than shell out the cash for the glowy blue-ball controller.
While that may be true, you also need to consider how The Wii is used mostly for casual games.
While the PSMove has a small collection of games, some of those games, like Killzone and InFAMOUS, are geared towards more adventure-seeking gamers.
Of course, you can also the buy the console by itself lol
i think the wii is a great invention because the active gaming like wii sports etc... but i still find the playstation the most comfortable way of gaming (i do have kind of little hands but i still can get to every button on the stick) but with the xbox 360 i cant get to every button XD and of course the great difference is that you need to buy xbox live if you want to game online with an xbox.
Well, Nintendo hardly fails to impress. it made classics like Mario, Zelda and such,but xbox has halo. Ps3 has uncarted and god of war. I go for wii u even though i have xbox. Because wii u has similar graphics to xbox and ps3,plus you can play co op without splitting the tv screen. and games like black ops 2 and mass effect are coming to the wii u. how awesome would that be?
and games like black ops 2 and mass effect are coming to the wii u. how awesome would that be?
Not very, because if you're the sort of gamer that likes that stuff, you probably have another, more powerful console already and there's no real reason to get a Wii U, since its game library is so limited and it's got none of the exclusives of the other two AND it's going to be obsolete reeeeeal fast.
Because wii u has similar graphics to xbox and ps3,plus you can play co op without splitting the tv screen. and games like black ops 2 and mass effect are coming to the wii u. how awesome would that be?
similar for all of a year and a half before the next gen systems come out. We'll see how the WiiU competes with the Xbox720 and the PS4.
Well actually, IGN states that the ps3 is better on a number of categories. it has better graphics, online play, and much more. You should go see for yourself... [url=]