-1914: a civillian ship went into warzone german teritory, waters(what a shock) it was destroyed, thats what sent america into ww1
-1939: inteligence about the japanasse attack on pearl harbor was purposfully delayed and pearl harbor with 3000 lives were destroyed.
-1955: americans lied about 3 destroyers being destroyed in vietnam, and admited too it 30 years later.
-2001: american government planted nano themite in the world trade center buildings and went too was with iraq and Afghanistan.
(9/11 inside job? seriously what else is new?)
-Steal melting or weakening: the temperatures did not even get high enough too weaken steel like some people claim, steel weakens at 1100F, the buildings burned at 200F or less, black smoke like the ones on 9/11 means a dyin g fire.
-Buildings collapsing: this would never have happened if the laws of physics wherent bent that day, the trade centers were the strongest buildings ever built and they were made too withstand plane crashes, and then they fell because of a little fire and some structural dmg on the top floors, the trade centers are built like pyramides, with the thickest steel on the bottom and weakest on top, with a steel core in the center(these building were not coming down).
-The collapse: the buildings fell in 8 seconds, this means that the buildings dint slowly collapse on each floor and collapse again, it means before they even hit another floor the floor collapsed, otherwised this would have taken over 20 seconds.
-Molten steel: the less heard proof, in the basement and under the building they found pools of molten steel, imposible too be caused by a building collapse or jet fuel, they also found enourmes quantities of nano thermite in the dust after the collapse(witch burns at 2600f).
-First steel collapse ever: the world trade centers were the first ever steel building collapse in the history of mankind. other building have been on fire for hours on end and haven't come down since they were made out of steel.
Steel buildings don't collapse from fire, so whats left too make them collapse...the plane? no because the buildings where made too protect against plane crashes.
Heat builds up over time! The fire was burning for about two hours - and there WAS a 2nd impact.
No... the first tower collapsed 8 seconds after impact, then the 2nd a couple seconds after, or am I getting my facts screwed up. And can you please stop cursing and flaming.
I was swearing, but not flaming. I'm allowed to convey my frustration, as long as I'm not launching personal insults. Which I wasn't.
Wait, it took them like 15 minutes to collapse. Sorry.
But also, the planes almost went through the towers, which would wipe out a lot of the key supports and cause a huge shockwave to go throughout the building.
According to wikipedia, the north tower collapsed a bit more than an hour after being hit, and the 2nd one collapsed a bit less than an hour after being hit.
So yes, the heat *would* have time to build up.
Btw, krizaz, do you believe in this conspiracy theory?
I have to the planes were traveling around 300-600 mph
The one that hit the North Tower was going 400-something, and the one that hit the south tower was going 500-something - which explains how the south tower collapsed faster.
Please, watch this. If you have got the hour 20 minutes to watch this, please do. It's very educational, and if you believe in conspiracies like I do, this might help steer you towards more of the government involvement.
What the hell! Where did this do get his info I can make up quotes and phone calls. June 19, 1987: Bill Clinton: "Dude! chill out!".I'm pretty sure a civilian couldn't get a hold of that kind of information.
Btw, krizaz, do you believe in this conspiracy theory?
Eh, don't know, although, it is convincing, I have been confused about why the towers fell if the planes hit the top of the towers for some time though, as stated that the bottom supports are much stronger, and that the Twin Towers were the strongest steel structures every built.
The twin Towers were not the strongest buildings ever built, maybe during the seventies when the Twin Towers were quite new were, but not in 2001. The fires weakened the structure, so one floor collapsed and because of the weight the rest did too.
Buildings which were constructed during the beginning of the seventies are not stronger than modern structures. The concrete which was used for it's construction wasn't reinforced nowadays they use put steel mesh or bars into the concrete. It was an amazing building for it's time, but now it's not considered that safe.
Buildings which were constructed during the beginning of the seventies are not stronger than modern structures. The concrete which was used for it's construction wasn't reinforced nowadays they use put steel mesh or bars into the concrete. It was an amazing building for it's time, but now it's not considered that safe.
Second, imagine two 225 tons of steel and fuel traveling at 500mph crashing into a building, put into play oscillation and the added weight of the plane on the floors that remain standing. Remember there are TWO.
Yeah, but there are two buildings. The planes were moving at 400 and 500mph, I would think the steel supports would be tougher than the planes nose and wings even at that speed.