So, since my last competition was pretty much a discussion, I'll now close that and move over to this general colony discussion (the others are all specific)
I usually play as a Monarchy and when I save up a bunch of influence, when I buy a bunch of modified Phantoms people are saying im hacking, well im not!
It seems to be pretty dead, I never got to play my next match as neither 20120...(whatever his name is) or StrategicCaptain showed up for their game, pretty depressing really.:l
Perhaps it was just Captain that didn't show up then, either way, there has been no real progression in tournament (So far as I know) for quite some time.:l
I doubt Giga could stop hacking on the game though. Maybe find some hack sites but they wont be shut down just by the knowing of their existence and then there is always the people that have actual .SWF files that they can use straight from their computer.
Even if ALL of the hack sites are shut down, the hackers still have their cheat this is gonna be a while before all of the hackers are gone.