and draco, im not sure, but i think mods might have slightly longer range and often,
It doesnt seem they have the same range however in most cases people see marines advancing towards mod phantoms for no reason. However if someone mixes in a bit of micro by putting a marine on hold the moment it is shot, the marine will fire and hit the tank
when i attempt to counter tdh with bank, arm(mod), spec. as mon.... i find by the time i make a mod it works to my advantage that im being pinned by tanks and marins.....
I find this a bit strange because whenever i see a bank arm i always think 2 things.... Ether old school tech up(easy) and monarchy mod phantom crush(not much harder).... Old school tech up is an easy build due to the saint and tank barrage. However mod phantom requires a bit more micro and macro... Ill explain this further in the message
tanks are slow and tdh retreats his tanks while making marins behind.the large splash of the mod often kills marines when out of range beacase they are attacking the tanks bu splash hitting the infantry at the same time...
This is where tdh goes wrong. Mod phantoms has a single beam with splash that attacks in a cone like pattern. this means it has a fairly small sweeping like attack. If tdh retreats his tanks then the splash will of course hit the marines like you said. However what i do, is retreat my tanks till the first marine meets them( it reduces damage done to tanks without overkilling the marines), once this happens i set my tanks on advance and do the marine micro( hold when attacked). It sounds a bit careless but remember tanks have very high health. Add in a medic(optional) and this type of micro is very deadly against mods. You can choose other macro options however ill also explain why thats an issue if u continue reading :P
when i attempt to counter tdh with bank, arm(mod), spec. as mon
If you do just as you said you would lose your mod before you get 40 money. From you bank armory you have about 3 other reasonable options. Ops third, Forge third, or post third
Lets analyze the advantages then the weaknesses
pros- Access to missiles, special forces, prides, and far snipers.
cons- Not much security, easy to pin
pros- access to romans and scouts. Provides shelter to mod phantom. secure
Cons- lowers your energy alot, primary unit will be scouts hurting your eco
Pros- access to tanks and marines, provides a defense against marines, secure
cons- Less dominant ground, primary unit will be tanks hurting your eco
All of these options can be difficult with improper macro. however after analyzing, these can all be countered by a special ops of your own. bank arm forge will technically shelter your mod phantom, however your mod phantom is threatened by 2 forces. Special forces or Missiles. Missiles of course are a easier solution but properly microed special forces is much more efficient. If you go post then i am forced to rely more on my tanks endurance to fend off your growing tank forces and mod phantom. However my special ops forces you to limit your tanks or else a single missile can wipe away your mod, or your tank. The more effective solution however is a pride. The pride makes killing your tanks and mod phantom much easier. As we both know a 1on1 battle between a pride and a mod phantom the pride will lose. Thats why its necessary to ether back it up with medics, microed marines, advancing tanks, or a missile. Countering special operations is also a simple task. You have to make the decision of ether creating another mod phantom or creating one of your special units or missiling or even all three. This can get a bit tricky however in a capitalists arsenal we have a pin of a pride, layered tanks, marines, a few medics, and 1 missile. Missile the tanks followed by special forces they die to the pride or missile. Use a missile and prides they cant endure the marines, 2nd layer of tanks, and a medicated pride of my own. Be fancy and missile my tanks followed with a pride and modphantom, your pride wont endure my medicated pride with marine tank and missile back up.
Actaully one can beat both Tier 3 with only both Tier 1 structures. That's how broken the game is.
i dont consider straight teching to tier 3 and losing broken. I also dont consider the fact influence units killing tier 3 units broken. What i do consider broken is the fact units arent put to their fullest. Ex. bqs not attacking air with a ground distraction
however, it's not like I can't make any teir two or one units while i'm waiting for more resources
You just defeated your own argument. If your waiting for resources that means you have none to little resources. You cannot make tier 2 units with under 20 resources nor can you make enough tier 1 units to scare away my own tier one and influence units.
So I can make a defense while your buildings spec op forces to attack me.
like i said you dont have a defense. Even if you did, special forces dominate romans and air
Also, phantoms are way better than marines because their machine guns outdistance the marines' rockets,
Incorrect. Marines on advance and phantoms on hold outdistance marine's rockets. Marines rockets and phantoms on hold have equal range, thus making you hurt your eco, while im still growing
Even if you say comebacks to all my posts, I still think my strat is the best.
All of us already proved to you why it isnt but ok
and it seems like forge has the most unit strengths that can protect other units' weaknesses
Its not exactly that that makes you win. Its about combining the extremes of each unit making it so your weakness is unreachable
Monarchy seems like a good strategy, but I think that the unit variety isn't too strong.
i lol'd. Monarchy has the biggest unit variety out of all the governments. However due to the slow and low eco, its not the best. This government is known to successfully reach tier 3 in 1on1s and can sustain ether post or forge and influence units
All the units in the special ops building have a very annoying weakness to chronkite tanks.
I lol'd yet again. Do you use micro?
Prides out range tanks, just attack and fall back
Special forces use their snipers to outrange tanks also, though its destruction is slower than prides and its more susceptible to tank fire it can still deal with tanks.
Far snipers greatly outrange tanks. Though its obvious not to spawn a far sniper when a tank is in your face but the distance and time it takes for a tank to reach it is ridiculous.
Once you can partner spec ops' with war sanctum, now you have a good variety, but it takes a long time and a lot of resources to do this.
Oh so now your talking 2vs2. This is in a reaaaaaalllllly long debatable theory. But this message is already long and i g2g.....