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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingHaiku Contest - Broken Bond (page 531, due: Feb 2)

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A Haiku is a Japanese lyric verse form having three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables, traditionally invoking an aspect of nature or the seasons.

Well, that said, heres the rules:

1) The Haiku must be original (no plagarizing)!
2) It must fit the weeks theme
3) It must be submitted before the deadline
4) It must be submitted for the contest (no using works previously written)
5) One Submission per user
6) The Same User cannot win twice in a row (but there welcome to submit!)

Hopefully oneday the winner could get a merit...

The Deadline will always be a Wednsday, so the deadline for the first theme will be Wednsday, September 2. The theme is The Pond

(special thanks to 'thisisnotanalt'

  • 5,299 Replies
4,005 posts

why do you rush it?
failure's inevitable
so postpone judegement

600 posts

The leash needs let go
the tension has been building,
Creative hounds roar!

2,917 posts

Guys, why aren't we stickied yet?

13,344 posts

We'll probably take the spot of the poetry contest when we pass them in posts and it becomes evident that haikus are now the dominant form of poetry.

9,504 posts

I dunno what Fallen is doing. How 'bout I judge this one. You guys wanna let me judge for this theme?

13,344 posts

Yes, you judge. Before people start forgetting this contest!

9,504 posts

Well I don't wanna judge too early, so...Judging will be tomorrow @ 3:00 EST. Promise!

9,504 posts

Did I say 3:00? I meant 5:00. It was EASTERN-eastern time. Honest!

The Winter Prediction award goes to: KingLemon!

autumn winds blow cold
leafs chasing summer away,
winter runs behind.

It's been chilly this past couple of days where I'm at. I feel that this haiku is what I'm experiencing right now. Nice personification that you used for summer and winter as well!

The Dead Season award goes to: MRWalker82!

Colors are changing
This time marks transition
From life unto death

In scientific terms, the leaves change as the chlorophyll in the leaves drain away, revealing their true colors. Then from Winter on, it just seems like it is...Still.

The Mother (nature) Abuse award goes to: Jezz!

Cried, 'Can't you see we're dying?'
As gold cascaded.

It's terrible for a Mother to just leaf their children crying like that! Also, nice use of imagery with the golden leaves falling from the sky. Reminds me of a cold Autumn when the wind kicks up and a bunch of leaves are forced out from the branches where 1000 leaves follow. It gets crazy, 'specially when you have woods near your house.

The Golden Sunlight award goes to: 1337Player!

The light shone on them.
Their special colors coming,
So vibrant and bright.

Something different than the 'falling leaves' method nearly everyone used. But that's okay. So in this haiku, we got the sun shining down on the many leave, showing the various colors that the leaves get when their chlorophyll is partially gone. red, orange, yellow, brown, blue, all of those things!

The Adapt or Die award goes to: HahiHa!

Prepare for the cold
Say farewell to easy life
And hope you'll survive

Remember "To Build a Fire"? That sucked. Anyways, no relevance to the short story. But Winter life was especially difficult to those that didn't have as much as others. Autumn was that "special time of year" to HURRY UP AND HARVEST THOSE TURNIPS!

The Revelation of Frost and Flame award goes to: Ernie15 RANKED

Cold, crisp winds flowing
Once-green leaves now burst aflame
Blue skies age to gray

Fixed your spelling errors! Hope you don't mind But I lurve this poem! The leaves burst aflame to represent the bright, vibrant colors the leaves change to when undergoing Autumnosis! Very rarely do skies remain clear and blue during Autumn and Winter, as the pressure drops significantly.

The Mister Obvious x7 award goes to: thePossum!

Cascades of color,
Brighten up the morning gloom,
Alas! 'Tis Autumn!

You would think that Autumn would change TO gloom, but not for Possum! He sees things in a different light. The bright, shining colors of the leaves are the Americans' cherry blossoms! Also, you're running up a record. Morning gloom? Sounds perfect for such a time!

The Dread Leaves award goes to: BlackSkullDragon!

The golden leaves fall
As the reminders of death
The cycle of life

I see it more as a sign of renewal! Err, after Winter that is. But if it is Autumn, wouldn't it be a sign of Death, and not a reminder of Death? Maybe I'm seeing things wrong. Anyway, yes! This does symbolize a perfect simile to the cycle of life. The Four Seasons, with Autumn and Winter being the waning seasons. Very good haiku!

The Hiatus award goes to: FallenSky! [RANKED]

Albeit the weather's
harsh, the leaves hang on firmly;
As we cling to hopes

Weather's indeed harsh. But it always is Just even worse during the waning seasons. Hopes? The leaves don't have hopes you silly!
But I do however see a struggle between the leaves as they hang on for dear life to still be with the trees. But no one lives forever

The Fall Superiority award goes to: Dudeguy45!

breathe that brisk fall air
taste that fresh apple cider
glad i dont live South

See, at first I was going to put down a "Wut?" award, as that last line didn't make a smidgen of sense, but then I got it. I think. You're talking how the South don't get winters, right? Right? But I do enjoy the brisk, fall air as much as you do. It fills me with more energy than the other seasons, which is partly why it is my favorite season. Other than that? Thanksgiving. Nuff said.

The Tool of Nature award goes to: shayneii! [RANKED]

Breezy, blustering
down a vivid sight; nature's
grand kaleidoscope

I dunno if you intended this to happen, but you totally evoked great imagery there. I felt like I was the wind! And that doesn't happen unless I experiment with Pop-Tarts and the leaves my mom brings in (don't try at home)! It presented me with many different shifting images that the wind gave to me, and overall, made me think. Thanks a lot, meanie

The Graveyard of Stillness award goes to: Zaork! [RANKED]

Skeletal orchard
Fruitful memories distant
A prolonged silence

After reading this particular haiku, I went from being the wind to being part of a still atmosphere. Prolonged silence indeed! 3 months worth, at least. We forget all the happy times of the moving, waxing seasons and have to endure the harshness of Autumn and Winter.

The Curve Ball award goes to: Samy! [RANKED]

The jade hare's one quest
To produce the elixir
To save a goddess

That poor, poor rabbit. Now THAT'S a gift! Nothing like a meal prepared from a willing rabbit. You don't get to eat food like that nowadays. It's almost always forced death. And then there's the quest of the archer to shoot down 9 of the 10 suns. That's EXTREME global warming right there. At first I thought this haiku was all one story, but they were actually two.... I found the link if any of you guys wanna read it! Back to the was definitely a curve ball, but a good refresher from the mainstream Autumn haikus I judged. Well done!

Soo... I think that's about it, save from the witty haikus a couple people made from Fallen's hiatus... So yeah, unto the judging!

After the 5 ranked haikus were selected, the winner is....

Skeletal orchard
Fruitful memories distant
A prolonged silence

Congratulations Zaork! Go claim your winning from a mod! Oh, and tell him or her I covered for Fallen on this one. They should understand.

And now, the new theme. Lemme think....

Ancient History!

Now before you all groan at the thought of history, this is the perfect opportunity for all of you to go type haikus about many different and awesome stories of old! There are many different "odd" topics to find, and I'm sure some will peak your interest. But if you guys don't like it, I can pull something else up.

And as tradition goes... Happy haikuing!

2,492 posts

I dunno if you intended this to happen, but you totally evoked great imagery there. I felt like I was the wind! And that doesn't happen unless I experiment with Pop-Tarts and the leaves my mom brings in (don't try at home)! It presented me with many different shifting images that the wind gave to me, and overall, made me think. Thanks a lot, meanie

LOL, you're welcome. Thanks for judging! Good job Zaork.

Ancient History? ugh.. :P
439 posts

Fantastic. Thanks a lot Freakenstein. This means a lot more than you would know.

Cheers shayne.

Good luck to everyone for the next round.

9,504 posts

Whoops! Forgot to post the deadline.

November 4th, 2010!

Fantastic. Thanks a lot Freakenstein. This means a lot more than you would know.

You're very welcome! I wanna see some more of what you can do
329 posts

ancient history,
like this poem, cant make sense

600 posts

Hmm...Ancient History...

In the dark, we were
'Til God's Wars lead to rebirth.
In the light, we stepped.

2,917 posts

Keep on digging, boys!
I have long awaited this
unbounded wealth awaits

600 posts

Keep on digging, boys!
I have long awaited this
unbounded wealth awaits

The last line has 6 syllables
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